I am expecting twins and wanted your guys opinion that has gone thru this... Should i split up the twins in their own bedroom/nursery or should I keep and put both cribs in 1 room? thanks for your advice in advance.
Ours shared a crib the first 6 months and still share a room. (They probably will until maybe middle or high school.) It's worked out well for us! Even if we had more bedrooms, I think it's easier to have them in the same room and 95% of the time they don't disturb each other's sleep.
My brother doesnt have multiple, but he has 2 that our 11 months a part and they will not have sleeping in seperate rooms. I think most little kids like room sharing, at least while they are young and have no need for privacy. I plan on our boys sharing a room through grade school if not longer. We shall see how things work out.
They both started out in our room, first in an Arm's Reach Cosleeper, then in snuggle nests in our bed.
They're each in their own crib now, in the same room. I think it would be really hard to have them in separate rooms when they're really young. Oftentimes I'm going back and forth between the two babies trying to pat/shush them, or wind up rocking one, then rocking the other, repeat etc.
after having a singleton first and then my twins I really think having them in the same room is best. The twins go to sleep much easier than my singleton did - I think it's b/c they don't feel alone ever. When they wake up they hang out happy in their cribs for a long time - talking to each other across the room. When my singleton woke up at this age he'd only play for a few minutes then realize he was alone and scream.
If you have the space to separate you can do it later if you find being in the same room is a problem --- but rarely is it a problem - most twins learn to deal with noise from another baby and will sleep through the other one crying, etc.
Ours have been in the same room, different cribs since we brought them home. We don't have room to separate them until we buy a bigger house...so maybe by age 5. But they don't usually wake each other up.
Our DDs share a room and probably will until who knows when. They shared a crib until they were about 7 months old.
2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
I would keep them together for sure...at least in the beginning...we have our dds together and I think they find it comforting like other posters have said that they aren't entirely alone in there when we put them down to bed...
They'll share a crib for a while first...but if they're the same sex they'll share a room until middle/high school. But if they're not the same then we'll probably switch them around 3yr or earlier depending on circumstances.
Married 6/30/07, TTC 9/07,Mc 12/07, Mc #2 10/8/09,Twin boys 11/30/10, seperated 8/11
"Our greatest glory isn't in never falling but in rising every time we fall"
8/24/09 3rd cycle on 50mg Clomid= BFP 9/23/09 =10/8/09 m/c #2 at 6wks 2days
3/9/10 4th Cycle on 50mg Clomid = BFP 4-5-10 200mg prometrium 2xdaily
1st beta/progesterone 10dpo=43 2nd beta 13dpo=339
u/s 4/16=5wks 3days single visible sac and fetal pole
h/b 4/28=Suprise it's Twins! 150 and 127 bpm
Labor Buddy to Sonadora and Strunella Craft Blog *~* Loss/Pg Blog: PM me if you'd like to read along *~*Bfp Chart
Mine share a room and will for possibly ever. I can actually see my older DD moving into their room at some point. We had 3 kid bedrooms growing up. My oldest sister was 4.5 years older than me, then me, then 18 months one sister, then 18 more months the last sister. When I was probably 7ish - we (the younger 3) all wanted to be in a room together so we had a sleeping room w/ 3 beds, and then used the other room as a play room. We had this set up for a couple years atleast until we all wanted our own bedrooms.
Ours shared a crib the first 6 months and still share a room. (They probably will until maybe middle or high school.) It's worked out well for us! Even if we had more bedrooms, I think it's easier to have them in the same room and 95% of the time they don't disturb each other's sleep.
This is our opinion! My kids will prolly share until the start K (since they are b/g). it has worked out really well and it s so easy having them together. DD is not a big crier but DS cries a lot and DD sleeps thru it.
Re: recs for sharing bedroom
They both started out in our room, first in an Arm's Reach Cosleeper, then in snuggle nests in our bed.
They're each in their own crib now, in the same room. I think it would be really hard to have them in separate rooms when they're really young. Oftentimes I'm going back and forth between the two babies trying to pat/shush them, or wind up rocking one, then rocking the other, repeat etc.
after having a singleton first and then my twins I really think having them in the same room is best. The twins go to sleep much easier than my singleton did - I think it's b/c they don't feel alone ever. When they wake up they hang out happy in their cribs for a long time - talking to each other across the room. When my singleton woke up at this age he'd only play for a few minutes then realize he was alone and scream.
If you have the space to separate you can do it later if you find being in the same room is a problem --- but rarely is it a problem - most twins learn to deal with noise from another baby and will sleep through the other one crying, etc.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
They'll share a crib for a while first...but if they're the same sex they'll share a room until middle/high school. But if they're not the same then we'll probably switch them around 3yr or earlier depending on circumstances.
"Our greatest glory isn't in never falling but in rising every time we fall"
8/24/09 3rd cycle on 50mg Clomid= BFP 9/23/09 =10/8/09 m/c #2 at 6wks 2days 3/9/10 4th Cycle on 50mg Clomid = BFP 4-5-10 200mg prometrium 2xdaily 1st beta/progesterone 10dpo=43 2nd beta 13dpo=339 u/s 4/16=5wks 3days single visible sac and fetal pole h/b 4/28=Suprise it's Twins! 150 and 127 bpm Labor Buddy to Sonadora and Strunella
This is our opinion! My kids will prolly share until the start K (since they are b/g). it has worked out really well and it s so easy having them together. DD is not a big crier but DS cries a lot and DD sleeps thru it.