Just wanted to say that the replys made me lol for real... I suppose the general consensus is that it's hated x10000000. But I still love it! : ) And if it matters to anybody... it is my boy name and girl name.. question my IQ now..
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Re: S/O to Dylan for a girl..
I'm not a fan, but you asked for thoughts on it, and you received them.
I just wanted to mention how ironic it is that both of you made spelling mistakes in your posts.
"replys" should be replies
"your" should be you're
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Uneducated sonovabitches.... And thank you for pointing out the fact I did indeed ask for opinions... No need to clarify for me
It's nms, but it's cute for a LO.
Why are people so snarky on these boards?? I know it's not a support group and people are asking for honest opinions, but some of you can be really miserable and cutting.
Is my spelling/grammar ok??
Honestly, I usually try to make an effort to be as polite as possible on these boards (all of them, not just Baby Names). However, this follow up post came across as snarky to me, and when she poked fun at the fact that her IQ was being attacked, I just couldn't resist pointing out the irony of the grammatical errors
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
haha I am not questioning your IQ. Dylan is fine for a boy or girl.
I have also met people who were team green and chose Jordan Taylor L no matter what.
7 anovulatory cycles, 1 cycle 50 mg clomid, 4 cycles 100mg clomid, HSG double blockage, hysteroscopy with cyst and debris removal, fermara/IUI attempt abandoned because of anovulation, follistim/IUI attempt coming soon!
You never saw the Charlie's Angels movie?