Was due 2 days ago and still have no names...
The only ones we have even come close on are
joseph callan, or callan joseph.
We probably will not use abbreviations like cj. If he is a joseph he will most likely be called joey.
Joseph is a name of a family member and I'm not sure about it. My husband really wants to use it. I don't really like the meaning and it is so popular that I kind of find it dull. But I might not mind Joey too much I guess.
Callan is a name that I really like but on most websites that I found it says it is a girls name. I don't want people to see his name and immediately think female. When I find the meanings of it "powerful in battle" and "chatterbox" I really like it but all of the meanings listed are when I find it as a girls name.
I thought we had this all worked out, but now that he hasn't come yet I am second guessing myself and starting to look for other options to at least take into the hospital.
The only other name we had even considered at one point was Jack, but I don't really like the sound of it with our last name. Now I am really starting to stress about this. I've also kinda liked Ryan, Patrick, Connor, and Brayden but I know people who have had babies recently and have used those names, so I didn't really want to use them.
Any suggestions??
Re: Time Crunch
I'm feeling for you. Your mind is probably going crazy since you're late so you are over thinking this. If you guys had agreed on Joseph Callan or Callan jospeh then maybe you should stick with it. Bc if he was born by now - you wouldnt be second guessing. That being said - I'm with you on Joseph - but Joey is SUPER CUTE!! And he'll be Joe when he's older. Solid name!
I really like Callan. Never heard it before. And I prob would have assumed boys name - if that makes you feel better.
If you only KINDA like the other names - don't go there!! That being said (again), my little guy is Braden - without the "y" and although people say its so popular - i dont know any! I dont think its like the Jayden, Aiden craze.
You'll know when you see that little guy. We had Braden picked out for a while. It doe DH a while to settle on it. He was obsessed with trevor - i just couldnt! I always say to him - can you even imagine that face to be a trevor? No way!! He is such a Braden! Even the second he was born. So I think you will know whether he should be Joey or Callan - and you'll have a nice story to tell him when he's older. You can even mention the good advice I gave you ;0) Or you can go with Braden!
after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.