Okay, DH and I are having a terrible time agreeing on a name and DS is due July 1st!
WDYT of these variations on these 2 names? Middle name is Joseph.
1. Pierce
2. Pierson (with nickname as Pierce, but official name as Pierson)
3. Anthony
4. Antonio (I am hispanic, DH is not)
which do you like best? thanks!
Re: more boy names - opinions please
Pierce I like!
Pierson Joseph-doesn't flow as well IMO
Anthony Joseph
Pierce is a good name, but I just don't think it goes well with Joseph.
What about Anthony Pierce?
I like Pierce better than Pierson.
Anthony and Antonio are both great, but I think it would be nice to honor your hispanic heritage and go with Antonio!
SAIF Always Welcome
Diagnosed with PCOS: 10/03, On BCP to "treat" until: 7/09
Provera to end Cycles 1-9 (anovulatory)
Cycle #4 & 5: Clomid 50 mg FAIL
RE Visit: 2000 mg Metformin
Cycle 6:Forced Break, looking for androgen secreting tumor
Cycle 7:Clomid CD 3-10, 12-17 FAIL
Cycle 8: Clomid CD 3-10, Bravelle CD 12-24 Hyperstimmed
New RE: Put on Byetta, lost 23 lbs
Cycle 9: Financial Break
Cycle 10: Femara CD 3-7, IUI CD 17 BFP on 2/14/11, m/c 3/7/11
Agree with this My dad is hispanic and my youngest brother is Alejandro.
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~
Love Anthony or antonio Joseph
I think Pierce is horrible,
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Pierce is a nice name, but you're right about it sounding like "pierce me". We all know surnames are often pronounced quickly and without sounding all letters. What about Joseph Pierson?
7 anovulatory cycles, 1 cycle 50 mg clomid, 4 cycles 100mg clomid, HSG double blockage, hysteroscopy with cyst and debris removal, fermara/IUI attempt abandoned because of anovulation, follistim/IUI attempt coming soon!