Especially when you're on a TIGHT budget that early in the morning for at most 50 people on the playground?
A fruit salad and juice/ water/ iced-tea just before the cake?
Would this suffice for a two hour playground gathering that will end just before lunch?
Will the 3 year old kids eat much fruit?
Thank you.
Re: Morning birthday party for toddler... what light snack to serve besides cake?
My older 2 kids would love just fruit. I'd maybe add something for those that don't like fruit (bagels with a few toppings?), but my kids specifically, would love that.
ETA: I really like Purrf's mini muffin idea. You could do 2-3 different kinds and eliminate the mess of bagel toppings. Also - maybe cheese cubes. You could put 2 on a toothpick, so they are easy to grab.
You could do "Smiley face bananas, 1 banana, use toothpicks to attach raisin eyes, Marshmellow nose and fruit snack or twizzler "smile". You can also just use a marker to make a face on the banana peel. I would probably also have goldfish or those prepackaged "lance" snack crackers with the cheese (or you could make your own cheese and crackers). The prepacks have a lot of sodium, but kids like them and they have protein too, which I find my kids really need, especially before cake.
If you have left over bananas, you can freeze them peeled and with popsicle sticks stuck in them, and serve them like popsicles.
DD's party was 1 week ago, from 9:30am-11am at a bounce place. We served grapes and strawberries alongside the cake. The 2-3yos ate a lot of grapes and a decent amount of strawberries.
I just washed the fruit and cut the grapes into small clusters of 3-4 grapes for easier serving. The kids got koolaid pouches and a couple 2-liter cokes for the adults.
If it's as hot where you are as it is here, do NOT serve cheese. It will be greasy, limp and nasty.
lol... I didn't think about that. Thanks!
I like the watermelon idea... def. cheaper but refreshing esp. if hot!