We really like Aidan/Aiden for a boy. I prefer one spelling, my husband prefers the other.
Yes, I know how popular the name is. Not looking for alternate suggestions. Just want to know your opinions on how to spell it.
I believe Aidan is the original but Aiden has become very popular as well.
Re: clicky for spelling
Thanks for the link to someone else's completely pointless rant. Don't recall saying I thought I was being "unique" in the slightest. I like the name, and I'd like to use it. If you don't like it, don't use it for your kid.
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~
You are on a name board. If you want to post on a public message board then you better put your big girl panties on and not take everything so personally.
whatever. Go work your passive aggressive issues out elsewhere.
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~
Passive agressive? Sweetie do you not know what that means?
TTC #1 4/09-3/10, dx PCOS, 5th round clomid BFP 3/27/10, Nolan Lee, 11/13/10, PROM 36 weeks
TTC #2 6/12-3/13, natural BFP 3/24/13, TWINS
MC first twin at 11weeks, MC/preterm labor second twin, DD at 15weeks, 6/7/13
BFP 9/21/13, EDD 6/5/13!! It's a GIRL
SHE'S HERE! Scarlett Christine, 5/19/14
That's cute. Makes me think of the swaddle blankets
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~
Or, you know, the name of a city.