LGBT Parenting

Weekend Updates

How was your holiday weekend?  What did you do???
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Re: Weekend Updates

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    Friday I took the kids to Target to pick up a prescription for Gray's infected finger. L was getting sick with a cold, so by 8:20 everyone else in my house was asleep. I caught up on my DVR.

    Saturday we went to breakfast/shopping at the Amish market and to run some errands. We picked up the boys' best friend and took the 3 of them to lunch and to the park to ride the train and carousel,  play on the playground, and have snow cones. Our 2 were on day #2 without a nap and by 4pm their behavior was beyond horrendous.  We bathed them and put them on our bed to watch a movie while we visited with a friend who's visiting from out of town and when we went up at 6:00, they were both fast asleep (without dinner...hee hee parenting poll.) It was so odd (bit nice)  to have them tucked into their beds by 6:30. We laughed that we had a whole night to ourselves, but I was exhausted from being up since 5:30 with the kids and L was sick so we were asleep by 8:30. Such party animals. :)

    Sunday L was feeling worse so she went to the urgent care center to get antibiotics while the boys and I had a lazy morning playing, hanging out in our pjs, and lolling around the house.  Our friend came back over and we went to lunch, came home and all took a nap, and then played outside with the sprinker and grilled out.

    Monday our friend came back over and we went to breakfast and to Costco.  L was feeling miserable so we went home so she could nap and our friend chased the kids around the yard with the hose. I dont' know who had more fun!  Post nap, the kids played outside and we grilled steaks.

    It was such a nice weekend....

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    We just kind of bummed around. We were invited to a wedding, but had RSVPd no since we barely know the couple (weird enough). We saw my parents on Sunday. It was nice to relax.

    Today C had another monitoring session, 6w0d, and the yoke sac looks good but no heartbeat yet. We're going back on Monday, so hopefully it'll be there for 6w6d and we can call this a viable pregnancy. The doc said not to worry. We'll see.

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    we had a really nice weekend and did a good job of keeping our minds off of disappointing news.

    Saturday morning we went to the zoo.  I hadn't been there in years and pictured it bigger than it was, but Sprout still had a good time seeing the animals and running around.  He especially enjoyed being less than 5 feet from a huge tiger! We stopped for 5 guys (burgers and fries, yummm) on the way home then the kids and DW went down for a nap while I ran some errands.  We enjoyed a mellow evening of playing in the kiddie pool and water table. 

    Sunday we were up early and off to the beach.  We beat most of the crowd and had a great time playing in the sand/water and enjoying each other's company.  Unfortunately Sprout woke from nap with a little fever (out of the blue?!) so we took it easy in the evening w/ more water table play, workbooks, reading, and pizza.  We also had our first fire of the year in our fire pit and roasted marshmallows :)  Sprout loved it and was really well behaved around the fire - we can officially bring him camping!

    Monday was a lovely lazy morning - DW and Sprout played board games while I cooked a few big batches of baby food. After nap we went over to my parents' house for a picnic.  Went swimming (Rosebud spent an hour in the pool and cried when we took her out!), ate yummy food, and visited with family.  We thought it would be the perfect recipe for a good night's sleep, but for some reason both kids slept terrible last night.  oy - why is it always on the work nights?

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    It was a pretty good weekend.

     It was cute on Saturday. I had told C that she could have the whole day off and that I would watch the kiddos. While C did sleep in (a little bit)...she poked her head around the corner while me and the twins were in the front room...she missed them. She tried hard to get some of the stuff she wanted to do done, but was constantly drawn back to the kiddos. I thought it was wonderful, PLUS I was grateful for the extra hands. I do not know how she does it during the week...I applaud you C!

    Sunday, we went to the Church that is closest to us. The congregants were so happy to see the kids. We then had to come home because I forgot I had promised this young kid that he could mow our lawn around the same time. Oh yeah, we ran quickly to pick up to-go breakfast from Silver Diner and buy a car charger for my cell phone. After the lawn was mowed, we (all of us) were fed, and the kids had their nap we went to Babies R Us and to Target. Afterward we fed the kiddos in the parking lot...we were parked far away from most. It was EXTREMELY relaxing. The weather was perfect, the conversation was great, and the company, well what can I say, it was SPECTACULAR! Wink

    Monday was the kind of Monday I wanted...a lazy one. The kids were really laid back and we (especially me) got in a couple of naps. During a nap that I and DD were taking, C and our son rearranged the living room. He was in a Bjorn and had fun working with his Mommy. We offiicially went to bed a little later than we like...but all in all it was GREAT!


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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    We had a very nice weekend, but it turned out to be a little more tiring than I had hoped for.

    Our patio project turned into an all day event as we went from store to store trying to find what we were looking for.  Add in pouring rain and trying to get everything home with the back door to our SUV still broken, and it was quite the day!  But the good news is that it was at least successful and we ended the day with yummy takeout for dinner.

    Sunday my family came by for a bit in the morning to bring some hand-me-downs for Henry.  After they left we had a quick lunch and nap before we had friends from out of town over to meet Hen and have some dinner.  We did get to eat with them out on our patio with our new table and chairs, which was nice. It was great to see our friends but I was exhausted that night.

    Monday we wanted to take it easy, but we had to go to out again to try to make arrangements to have the basement carpeted - time's been getting away from us and now it looks like we won't be able to get it done before C's parents come this month, which is a bummer.  Plus it took longer than anticipated at the store, so I was kind of in a rotten mood by the time we got home. 

    C fired up her new grill and we had burgers for the first time on our patio!  It was really nice and we went for a little stroll after - C wearing Henry in the Moby wrap for the first time.

    So it was busy, but there were plenty of good things and it ended well. Smile

    sahm ~ toddler breastfeeder ~ cloth diaperer ~ baby wearer

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    CT- I hope that disappointing news isn't what I think it is. Thinking of you.

    Our weekend was okay. I didn't get my big night out which was a huge disappointment but I fully intend to make sure it happens soon.

    We had a fun picnic with friends, did some shopping, got some household projects accomplished, finally! We fired up the BBQ for dinner last night which was delicious, I baked and DW and I spent some much needed time talking and sorting through some things. It worked out very well!

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    Sat we took the ferry to p-town and it was great. Our friends met us at the ferry and we had coffee and fruit on thier deck before heading on to comercial street to see the sights have some lunch and do some shopping.  E was very interested with everything around her.  She on;y napped once for 30 min but was still in a great mood.  We had a good lunch then returned to our friends for a quick visit to the beach for the first time.  E loved the sand and even dipped her feet in the water.  She really wanted to eat the sand too but I think we kept most of it out of her mouth.  We took the afternoon ferry home and I was sad to go but also super tired and glad we took the later ferry since I think one or all of us would have had a meltdown if we were there any longer.  I must say that it was a totally amazing feeling to be there with E.  It was great to be one of the many gay families walking around.  I felt so comfortable and happy to have our baby with us.  It was something I was really looking forward to and it was so great.

    Sunday we went to a bbq at a friends and I also had a quick visit with a friend from out of town.

    Monday we just hung around the house in the am and then we went to a dairy bar for lunch.  E napped a ton since she was behind on naps from sat.

     It was a great weekend and I am so sad it is over! 

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    Just got back from Michigan where I officiated my first wedding for a friend I've known since I was 15!  Crazy and fun.  It was sweltering in the room-the AC didn't work right and it was like 85 degrees.  A shock for this spoiled seattle chick.  A lady fainted and had to be taken away by EMTs. 

    Saw the grandma to be (my mom) who dug out baby clothes I'd worn 36 yrs ago!!!  There were some really cute Polly Flanders dresses (those ones with the puckered embroidery on the top part of the dress) and some itty bitty knitted sweaters my grandma made.  They were all in surprisingly good condition.  Saw some old family friends as well-some I've known since I was 4.  Everyone gave me lots of good pregnancy attention.

    Did find out some sad news.  A friend in my prenatal yoga class lost her baby (full term). What do you say to someone?  I stared at that belly for weeks thinking about the little one in hit me hard.  Also dealing wiht a friendship I had to end and my partner is still friends with the person.  I don't quite know what to do with that.   It was a mixed weekend for sure and still trying to adjust back to west coast time....and now experiencing some mystery pain in the groin areas where my legs connect to my pubic and hip bones.  it's freaking me out-but have emails in to the midwives...waiting to see what happens... ugh.

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    imageseahorse mama:

    and now experiencing some mystery pain in the groin areas where my legs connect to my pubic and hip bones.  it's freaking me out-but have emails in to the midwives...waiting to see what happens... ugh.

    E had this right around the same time, Dr said it was fine and just to monitor it to make sure it doesn't get more intense. Just wante to let you know its happened to us too!

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    sounds like round ligament pain.  things start stretching out aroung this time.

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