I feel like total crap. I had a breakdown on Friday after work right in front of DH where I cried my eyes out for hours. I feel so overwhelmed and at such a stand still with life in general. Although we havent stopped TTC we aren't charting or using OPK's and I really don't want to take a break from it but I also don't know if we are stupid for TTC while we are back living with my parents.
I know I should be happy, we are finally done with our condo and thats great even though it was a short sale. But now this in limbo thing is driving me nuts.
I am usualy a retail therapy kind of girl but we have been saving money and paying bills so we are on a strict budget.I know this sounds like a bunch of mush and makes no sense but it feels better to get it out.
end of rant...
Re: I am in serious need of a pick-me-up - vent
Big hugs Thusa- It's good to let it out though, you can't keep all of that inside for long. How long will you be with your folks? Do you have to wait for the short sale to finish?
We went to the movies together today and that was nice to get out. But we really just both want some alone time in our bed to snuggle. We go to his parents on the weekends to get away but they NEVER leave. We have been out of our place almost a month and no joke have had 8 minutes alone in the house since then.
I know I need to try to stick this out until September but its getting really hard.
The plan is to move south. We ideally would love to be there by Sept but really whenever either or both of us land a job. We decided that if by Sept we still havent found anything we will try to rent an apt closer to work (we used to be over an hour away from work) and see how that goes. I have been looking on craigslist but a decent 1 bedroom near work is running at least 1500 not including utilities.
Its a freaking zoo here. Granted my parents have a large house its still nuts. Its my parents plus my grandmother and her cat, my parents 2 dogs and our 1 dog.
We just booked a weekend away next month which should help and if it stay this crazy we may just try to find some housing that doesnt require a lease.
My parents go out pretty often but my grandmother lives here too and thats the hardest. She lives downstairs where we are living.
They have a raised ranch that was converted into a mother daughter so my parents live upstairs and my g-ma and DH and I live downstairs. Shes a peppy 80 year old but she also requires a LOT of attention so she is always calling us to see where we are or what we are doing.
I tried to tell my mom today how tough a transition it is from going to being on your own and living an hour from everything to being back in your parents house but she just doesnt get it.