The girls never had this problem, but DS keeps leaking through his
diaper at night. DH jokingly told me that I would just have to always
change him in the middle of the night. But he will be STTN soon and
there's no way I'm waking him just to change him. I've tried the Costco
(Kirkland) size 1/2 and the Pampers Swaddlers size 2. He leaks through
less often with the Pampers. He's only 13 lbs and the size 3s (usually
start at 16 lbs) of Kirklands are swimming on him - to the point where
it'd just run out the leg holes. I didn't actually try an overnight
with it since it was so ridiculous on him. Any other ideas? What brand
of diapers do you use on your boys? I'm tucking his little penis down,
but he still only seems to fill up the front of the diaper and not the
back. Any other suggestions/recommendations? Thanks!
Re: XP - Diapers Leaking at Night?
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I hear you. I cloth diaper and am desperately trying to find a stay dry solution for a boy. . . I thought I had it figured out with DD, but this is a whole new story.
He's got disposibles on at night for now. . . with a change or two.