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I hear you ladies can be vicious But I'm ready for it!! We're set on our first name but I'm not too sure about the middle name that my DH loves....
Cassandra Claire "Phil" (sounds like)
Opinions please?
Not a fan of the CC
I also don't like the nn cassy or sandra so cassandra is a no go for me. I love the name Claire.
I should come on here more often, I hate wierd "unique" names and misspellings of names!!!
Thanks for the opinions, I have to say, the more I say it outloud the more I'm liking it.
Cute name!
Random tidbit... I grew up with a family whose kids were named Christopher and Cassandra! Great sibling set!
Angel Baby: 5/29/08
KINZYD: Cute name! Random tidbit... I grew up with a family whose kids were named Christopher and Cassandra! Great sibling set!
That's funny!
I really love the nickname Cassie, that's a main reason why I chose the name
Re: I can take it :)
Not a fan of the CC
I also don't like the nn cassy or sandra so cassandra is a no go for me. I love the name Claire.
I should come on here more often, I hate wierd "unique" names and misspellings of names!!!
Thanks for the opinions, I have to say, the more I say it outloud the more I'm liking it.
Cute name!
Random tidbit... I grew up with a family whose kids were named Christopher and Cassandra! Great sibling set!
Angel Baby: 5/29/08
That's funny!
I really love the nickname Cassie, that's a main reason why I chose the name