
Hand Pump Rec's

Hi - jumping over from third tri but am sure I'll be over here more often in about 5 or so weeks :)

I'm going to be working 2 days a week so I won't have to pump all that often and I hoping not to spend hundreds of dollars on a pump.  So, i figured a hand pump would work just fine.  Which hand pumps have you used and reccommend? 


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Re: Hand Pump Rec's

  • I love my Avent hand pump that came with my dual electric pump kit...I never thought I would need a pump and have used it a ton. It became especially helpful when I wanted to have DH give DS middle of the night and bed time bottles (we had to go to bottles bc DS wouldn't feed well at night and would be up a lot and would not get a full feed before bed bc he would sleep on the boob). I also used my pump a lot when I got mastitis when DS was 4 weeks old, when I got a major plugged duct at 10 weeks, and when I got a milk blister a couple of weeks ago.

    I would highly recommend getting a pump...worst case scenario you can return it if you don't open and sterilize everything...

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  • slukd79slukd79 member
    I have the Medela Harmony and love it. I got this the first 3 months and then switched to the Pump In Style. Now I use the Harmony for traveling or when I don't want to lug the huge electric one around.
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  • A friend and LC told me to try the avent when i complained I wasn't getting more than a few ounces with my eletric.  I get double with my manual.  I love the avent.  Its the one that pops up on the ad to the side of this post almost every time.  I bought mine at CVS because it was cheaper than Target and BRU even with a coupon. 
  • ditto...Medela Harmon, works great for me... light-weight and efficient
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