apparently she calls the daughter Isla. But how she got the nn Isla from Isleana is beyond me. I have always pronounced Isla as "ees-la" but I don't think she does given how the full name is pronounced?
IMO, you shouldn't name your kid something that you're always going to have to phonetically spell for people. That should be the defining criteria of a "bad" name.
Re: Saw on Facebook...
IMO, you shouldn't name your kid something that you're always going to have to phonetically spell for people. That should be the defining criteria of a "bad" name.
Ethan Michael - 12/21/09
Norah Jewel - 2/26/14
I wonder why her full name reads as "eye-lee-ah-na" if she calls her "eye-lah." Shouldn't her full name then be "eye-lah-na?"
Not that it matters, it's still not good, but I'm just sayin...
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The name Isla is beautiful.
That name however, is awful.