
Which sturdy double stroller?

We are going to be going to New York for a while (3 months plus) for my DHs work and I need a GOOD double stroller as I won't have a car.  I have a 3 year old and a one year old that I will need to get around the city.  I doubt I will be jogging anywhere, but will be walking all day long.  Also, something with storage on the bottom and individually reclining seats is important to us.  I'm willing to spend the money for something that is worth it.


Re: Which sturdy double stroller?

  • I am loving the Baby Jogger City Mini Double. Folds super easy, is pretty light for a double, huge sunshades and really easy to manuever. Cons - the storage basket, while large, is hard to get to, and for its price tag, it doesn't come with any accessories - like a snack tray (you have to buy them seperate).
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  • we have a phil and ted sport and love it...  narrow for the sidewalks.   I see many of them around here.  others I see much of are baby jogger and urban mountain buggy and maclaren.  I see a TON of mountain buggies and p&t's around the UES... go to the children's museum of manhattan and I swear that's all you'll see in the check line. lol. Not sure of their fold... the P&T was a PITA when I used the bus in RI...  I've used the Phil and Ted on the subway... only thing, search for subway stations with elevators.  otherwise I take dc out of the seats have them walk while I get the stroller down and up.  Not sure how heavy your one year old is or how close to one vs two he or she is... but a great carrier would be handy...  I carried ds a lot early on...  

    few extras  (I'm assuming you're planning on living in Manhattan ???)  check out the children's museum of manhattan ... there's a children's yoga place in SoHo that does a free story time but also has (for fee) mommy and me classes, the main branch of the library has a great children's room and has infant and toddler story times.  check the bookstores too, Barnes and Nobles has a storytime once a week as well.  If you think you'll be going to the zoos a lot, get a memebership, otherwise I do think the zoo in Central Park has a free or by donation day.  the museum of natural history is technically by donation too, so you don't have to pay the full amount they have listed if you cannot.  many of the museums have free days ... even the children's museum of manhattan has a day once a month sponsored by Target.  Brooklyn Children's Museum is by far the best.  The Staten Island one is good... take the ferry, hop on a bus for a very short ride to Snug Harbor. fun day.  There is so much to do around here.. you and your kiddos will not be bored.  

    Are you coming for summer?  check the parks district website for events... there are free movie nights on a pier... free soccer or swim clinics for kids.  some fun plays and concerts in parks for free or not too terrible rates.   

     Good luck with your stay!  Hope it's fun.

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  • you should page GoldieLocks on the Multiples board.  I think she has a City Select, but she's had several and knows a lot about different brands. 

    I have  Baby Trend Expedition Double Jogger (for about 2 weeks now) and love it for outdoors, but it's a tight squeeze for standard doors. (like a 1/2" or less clearance).  I use a Chicco Ciatta twin for my SBS where I'm going in/out of places.  I have a Graco Quattro Duo for a front-back, but it's heavy and long.  

    I'm probably done buying doubles (unless one of mine get's trashed in the next couple years), but if I were to buy one, I'd get the City Micro, I think.  


  • libra31libra31 member
    I just bought a Maclaren twin techno ($300 on for our disney trip.  It was great.  We did a ton of walking and obviously folding the stroller to get on/off of buses/trams/trains.  My 3mo, 2yo and 5yo all alternated using it.  I would have bought a baby jogger citi mini double but I have a Bob Rev. Duallie at home so I couldn't spend that much. However the BJCM looks awesome and folds easily and compactly!
    DD(7), DS(4.5), DS(2.5), DS(baby)
  • I can't imagine pushing a SBS double down a busy NYC street-- especially something as heavy duty as a BOB. I had a hell of a time pushing my single Maclaren in and out of crowds when we took our DDs around Xmas last year.

    I would def. stick with a tandem in line stroller. P&T seem to be the most popular, but there is also the Contours Options, which looks really cool to me -- but my older DD wouldn't fit in it @ 3 y/o (the seat was too short), so I guess it depends on the size of your kids. If you older kid is old enough for the sit-n-stand type stroller, the Joovy Caboose is my favorite.

    Baby Jogger has a new double tandem stroller, the City Select, which is what I would buy if I needed an in line tandem double. There are 17 different ways to configure the seats -- it looks really cool!

    Really, having a 3 y/o is going to limit you if she/he is tall, which is why we ended up with a sit n stand. Whatever you do, make sure you test drive any stroller with your 3 y/o  before you buy it to make sure they fit comfortably.

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