Baby Names

Boy Name For Possible Baby #4

I'm pretty sure, but not 100%, that Owen will be our last baby. If we do have a fourth we have no boy name. What would you name another boy of ours? The only other name I really liked was Gavin. We'd still use Kendall Sophia for a girl, unless I "fall in love" with something else.
-Julia, Mom to Liam Russell, Briegan Natalie, & Owen Alexander-

Re: Boy Name For Possible Baby #4

  • I love Kendall Sophia and DH really likes it. We have a harder time agreeing to girls names than boys  names.

    I know this wasn't what you were asking but I still felt the need to chime in. :-)

    Do you already have an Owen or your pregnant with Owen now??

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  • For some reason the names Harold, Henry and Arthur struk me. I wouldn't have expected Gavin at all.
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  • mcmann05: I'm pregnant with Owen right now.
    -Julia, Mom to Liam Russell, Briegan Natalie, & Owen Alexander-
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