
I have a strange secret that I would like to reveal

before I move to another state, which could kill me. If I dies, and you guys never knew, I would be so bummed.


of course Id be dead, but...bummed nonetheless.

Re: I have a strange secret that I would like to reveal

  • Loading the player...
  • I'm waiting to see if enough peopel are interested in my bag of cat, to see if it would be smarted to wait until a busier time?

    it's big, you guys.

  • wtf is up with my typing?!

    I am not even drinking!


  • Dude, I was your nestie friend long before anyone else. The fact that I'm interested should be enough.
  • present and curious.



    SPILL IT NOW!!!!!!

  • It is colossal big, like your ASS? Or is it huge, like to the extent of which your boobs sag?
  • You know when you build up the moment, it has to be better than something like having a poop that resembled Jesus, right? Because I hate when a surprise is made to seem exciting and then it just fails :)
  • gibs is my little brother.

    and he DOES live with our parents, but not in the basement.

  • good it will divert anyone from what i was noticing about gibs sightings.

    Just tell me and i won't tell anyone ( said in my best middle schooler voice)

    but i gotta go to bed.  so i'll check back on your secret.  i think the board is sleeping.

    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • imageBrideofranken:

    gibs is my little brother.

    and he DOES live with our parents, but not in the basement.

    he still sleeps in their bed? 

  • imageBrideofranken:

    gibs is my little brother.

    and he DOES live with our parents, but not in the basement.


    you should be so lucky!   :-) 

  • shut up! he doesn't sleep in their bed, but he has a whole shelf full of he-man dolls and old magic tricks and stuff from whenever he was a kid.

    and he's 25.


  • hmmmm...interesting.  Lots of unexpected relationships on this board.....

    What was gibs like growing up?

  • surprisingly gay...I say surprisingly, because he's not gay at all now. just filthy dirty and he likes really fat chicks.

    he was super into performing magic tricks and cup stacking. he was a champion cup stacker.

  • Also, this is weird, but he had the voice of an angel- like a real honest to god alto falsetto that would bring a tear to even rush limbaugh's eye.
  • imageBrideofranken:

    surprisingly gay...I say surprisingly, because he's not gay at all now. just filthy dirty and he likes really fat chicks.

    he was super into performing magic tricks and cup stacking. he was a champion cup stacker.


    Sis!  I can't believe you're describing me so accurately.  I thought maybe you'd make up a few things to either make me sound lame or make yourself sound more exciting but no.... 

  • castrati- that's the word I was looking for to describe your voice!

    I know you better than anyone, gibblet. dontchoo forget it.

  • I sensed you had something and it made me get out of bed to see what it was...
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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