
Looking forward to my first peri appt. on Tues.

I saw my midwife on Tuesday and the babies look great, definitely boys. They both are measuring roughly the same size and their heartrates were high 150s and 160s. Perfecto. I gained 1 lb. in the last two weeks which was shocking because I think I eat a lot. My DH says I don't eat that much. Maybe the reason why I think I eat a lot is because I'm always thinking about what I'm craving.

I'm measuring at 21 weeks (I was 18w2d at the time). I feel the babies a lot more. My daughter, who's 3 1/2, is always rubbing my belly and telling me that she loves her babies. She calls them "Salmon" and "Oliver". It's "Sam" and "Oliver".

Oliver is vertex and Sam is transverse. I'm hoping they continue to cooperate and Sam turns. We've got a while to go.

I see the peri for the first time on Tuesday the 1st and they'll do the big anatomy scan and we'll talk to him about delivering and all that good stuff.

Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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