2nd Trimester


What? Can I not jump on the LCB-paging bandwagon too? Stick out tongueWink

Re: ::LCB::

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    LCB34LCB34 member

    Heck yeah you can!

    How is baby girl doing?  Moving a lot yet?

    Kate was going CRAZY last night - DH told me she was just taking after me and having a random dance party!  (Yes, I just admitted to having random dance parties on a regular basis, by myself, in my home.  Embarrassed)

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    Heck yeah you can!

    How is baby girl doing?  Moving a lot yet?

    Kate was going CRAZY last night - DH told me she was just taking after me and having a random dance party!  (Yes, I just admitted to having random dance parties on a regular basis, by myself, in my home.  Embarrassed)

    She's doing great! Thanks for asking! She is definitely starting to move a lot more consistently and I LOVE it. She loves to kick my bladder lol. I'm so glad your little Kate is doing well!

    Lol at random dance parties. What are you feeding that kid? Wink She must have loved whatever you had for dinner.

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    LCB34LCB34 member

    She goes crazy whenever I get in bed - it's almost like she hates for me to be still.  I'm predicting a baby that likes to be on the go - which is 100% fine by me!

    She doesn't really react to food/ drinks much - it is all about my movement.  And she lets me know when she thinks I have been still for too long.

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    Ha! Too funny! I've heard that movement such as walking helps put them to sleep and that's why they tend to be more active when you're still. Mine is the same way =) I can't really feel movement if I'm not still though so I'm not really sure if she's active when I am or not. If she's awake though and I push on my stomach a little bit she usually responds to it. It's amazing what all they can do at this point!
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    LCB34LCB34 member

    It is amazing what they can do!

    Kate responds to light - she HATES it.  And, I am a mean momma and put the flashlight on my belly to get her going!

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