Northern California Babies

Update to my bad morning post

Since I'm feeling "post-y" heh heh

I posted this morning about A having trouble going to bed, being so tired.  He napped today from 12:30-2:45, I had to wake him up because we had to go to the OB, and when he woke he was happy but he was all "Mama, I'm still sleepy". Awww.

So we all have dinner and DH and I decide I should go out and do the grocery shopping for our Memorial Day bbq to A) beat the crowds at the store on the weekend and B) let him have some alone time to get the routine down.  So I said goodnight to Alex and off to the store I went. 

I got home at 7:15 to a quiet house, a sleeping child, and a happy husband!!  Either he is just too exhausted to fight or he's finally "getting it".  DH did a great job of prepping him for bedtime and he went down tonight absolutely without a peep.  

So- bonus on all fronts- now I only have to go to Costco tomorrow and I freed up some time to see my movie (yay!)  and the real bonus is that DH got a good solid bedtime in tonight!  I'm proud of both of my boys!!!

Just thought I'd let you guys know!  Party!!!

The Boy Wonder 8/23/06 & The Famous Baby 6/1/10
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