Texas Babies

pregnancy care at wilford hall/lackland.

 dh and I are about to start ttc #2 but I have heard mixed reviews on wilford hall.

is anyone there or know any info about the base doctors?  I've seen them for myself for allergies or whatever, but I will be high risk this time so I am very axious about the care I'll recieve.  

and if I need to go off base, can you recommend a good ob and hospital? I'm on the west side by sea world, but would travel for an awesome doc!

Re: pregnancy care at wilford hall/lackland.

  • Hi There! I am seen at Wilford Hall and had my first daughter there and will be having #2 there (hopefully sooner rather than later!). Wilford Hall is great, especially for high risk. They have 3 of the top Maternal Fetal Medicine drs in the country there and I don't just mean in the military (my husband is a dr so if he thought I could get better treatment off base, he'd have me consulted out for sure). The high risk ob clinic day is every Tuesday.

    3 things I didn't love about Wilford Hall in the beginning was the difficulty in scheduling an appt. Have your dr schedule you before you leave your appt so you don't have to deal with the dumb people that work the appt line. They will ask you if you want to do a centering pregnancy program. It's your choice, but I said no way because having an appt with 10 other pregnant women from all different walks of life didn't seem like my idea of fun.  Lastly, they make you go to a genetics lecture before you can do your 20 week ultrasound or level 2 if you need it (we did). I thought it was ridiculous because I just had DD last year, but I guess their reasoning for doing it is to make sure all the mothers are educated on risks during pregnancy and what tests can and can not determine.

    What I loved: great delivery experience the first time around. Nurses were FANTASTIC, my ob was great, the ob that delivered me was wonderful, and the rooming in experience which I was nervous about at first worked out really well.

    You can email me if you have more specific questions. 

    Nuge 417 @ yahoo dot com


  • hello there.  i am currently going to wilford hall now.  i have been going there since march for infertility and my dr. is great.  he did my laproscopy and he is now treating me with fertility pills, injections and i just recently had my first IUI on thrusday of this week.  i have never had a bad experience. 

     p.s. the hospital is old but other than that the dr.s there are great!  :)

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  • So, what did you find out about Wilford Hall/Lackland? I'm right behind you in my pregnancy being 6 weeks. I called today to ask if I needed to come in for an HCG beta to verify/confirm the results of my HPT and was told that I didn't need to come in at all until and was scheduled for an OB orientation. I was told they only do the HCG beta pregnancy confirmation for active duty and not dependants. I'm very anxious about the care as well. We live in NW San Antonio relatively close to Sea World too.
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