What are the best
TTC tips you've ever received? Whether it's from a friend, a doctor, a
family member, or even a total stranger, we're wondering what you think
has been the best advice.
Take time off to just enjoy your time with DH. Sometimes all the technical stuff can get in the way of just enjoying your partner. We are on a downtime cycle right now, and it has been so good for DH and I. It has been over a year since we could just enjoy us as a couple. Now I want to keep that alive. It is a good thing.
If you quote me, I fully expect to get the magazine in the mail. Thanks.
Re: What are the best TTC tips you've ever received?
Take time off to just enjoy your time with DH. Sometimes all the technical stuff can get in the way of just enjoying your partner. We are on a downtime cycle right now, and it has been so good for DH and I. It has been over a year since we could just enjoy us as a couple. Now I want to keep that alive. It is a good thing.
If you quote me, I fully expect to get the magazine in the mail. Thanks.