Natural Birth

Re: Hypnobirthing

Just wanted to say that I LOVE hypnobirthing.

Backstory- I read the book/ practiced the stuff just to have an option to help control my pain before I got the epidural.  I'm a HUGE baby and was terrified that I would go in, be at like a 3 and have to wait to get an epi and be in extreme pain. 

Day of birth- woke up around 7:30 with bloody show. Tried to lay back down to get more sleep before contractions started.  Almost immediately some started so I woke up hubs and went to get in the shower.  As soon as I got in the shower (this was maybe 8) they were so close I started timing and called hubby in to shower with me to help me.  They were 2 to 3 minutes apart already.  We got to the hospital around 9.  They checked me and I was at a 7 already.  I was shocked I was that far already because the pain honestly was no where near what I had imagined and the horror stories that you hear.  I was doing my visualizing and trying to take myself somewhere else the entire car ride.  Hubs said it looked like I was on drugs. Asked for an epi- dr was there almost immediately to give it.   Tried 9 times and it didn't work.  Still felt like I was on drugs or something just from my hypnobirthing stuff putting me "somewhere else" so I just shrugged and said "ok".  Pushed for an hour but the heart rate was dropping way to low we in the end we had to do a c-section (they had to put me to sleep since the epi didn't work) and even though that was my biggest fear and then some (I didn't even imagine the whole not being awake when my baby was born horror) I was strangely okay with it and not terribly upset.  I think hypnobirthing not only helped me handle the pain, but it also helped me to be calm to handle all the surprises that are inevitable when it comes to birth and then babies (and I am sooo not a calm person normally). 

I couldn't recommend hypnobirthing enough!  Even for those who want an epi (like I did).  But if you are thinking about epi or not, honestly I wish I never even asked for it because I didn't need it.  The worst pain by far of the whole thing WAS the epi attempts.  I just asked because I was in a little pain and thought that was what you do (even though I obviously researched other ways to deal with pain- silly me).  Good luck to those who are pregnant and congratulations on your upcoming bundles of joy!

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Re: Re: Hypnobirthing

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    I have two kids (my oldest is 16) and I had a hypnobirth with Ben.  We're not having any more kids, but if we were, I would do it again.  It was so helpful during labor, made the pain manageable and I only wish I had known about it when I had my daughter all those years ago.
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