When I was pg with DD Dh loved this name, I couldn't get on board.
Now its starting to grow on me, and we are talking about #2....and I think it might be cute!
Thoughts? Is it too matchy with Holland? Our last name starts with H and is long/complicated (haha.)
Re: Hazel?
Hmm. I do like the name Hazel, but it may a little matchy with Holland AND an H last name.
That pic in your siggy is ridiculous. I'm cracking up... hope that was the intention!
I like Hazel, but I think it might be too matchy matchy. That said, if you like the name on its own, then go for it.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
This exactly. Holland and Hazel, maybe. But I think it is too much with a last name that starts with H.
What about:
I LOVE the name but DH doesn't. I'm thinking with H...last name it is too matchy.
Our names are:
Norah (Rose or Jean?? middle name)
Charlotte Rose
Mallory Rose
Natalie Rose
The name Hazel has long been synonymous with little old ladies in my family. In fact, my Great-Great-Grandmother was Ruth Hazel. I know it's becoming popular again, but I still think it's awful. Sorry.
I like Charlotte Rose and I love Natalie.
and cold
It will be our (phantom) daughters middle name and SIL's (phantom) daughters first name. After DH's grandmother.
I can name at least 4 Hazel's on these boards alone, so I do think it is having a resurgence.
I love it. We liked it so much we named our dog Hazel last spring.
Hazel is ADORABLE. Holland wouldn't be the middle name right? If Holland is your other DD and you have 2 little girls,
Holland and Hazel H(whatever!) that is about the cutest thing I've ever heard!!