
How do you organize your kids' books?

DS's books are all over the place -- can you rec your shelving unit?

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Re: How do you organize your kids' books?

  • The books get dragged around the house even more than the toys do, so I try to have storage solutions in almost every room.  There are book cases in our library, their bedroom and the playroom.  Every room has baskets for easy deposit, including the breakfast room.  Trying to get them to stay on the shelves was just too hard.  It's easier for kids to drop them into baskets than line them on a shelf.

  • Our's isn't the best. We have a standard 3 shelf unit and it works ok. However, we plan on getting a cubby-style unit with those basket things and throwing different categories in organized baskets. For instance, chapter books will be in the pink bin; bed time books in the green bin; workbooks in the purple bin, etc.

    Depending on the age of the child, it could really help. Good luck.

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  • I got them each a bookcase from Target about 6 months ago and it has made a HUGE difference. I had to build them but the instructions were super easy and they were reasonably priced.

    I was all proud of myself when I finished DD so I took a pic..Im a  dork


  • Bookshelf in the music room, all the bedrooms.

    Baskets in the living room and bathrooms.

    We rotate them occasionally so they read something "new".

  • I have the two bottom shelves in her book case so she can reach them, then I have a giant basket with all the books in there.
  • I'll admit, we bought a huge shelf/cubby unit that was ridic expensive but damn I love it. It's filled with books, plus his regular bookshelves, plus three huge baskets from Target for the tiny books.
  • She has 2 3-shelf bookcases from Ikea (these).

    I organize them by type (board books, hardcover, softcover). 

    She also has a nightstand next to her bed, and it has a drawer where she keeps her favorite bedtime books.

    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • jlw2505jlw2505 member
    In my older DD's room I have a small book case that I bought at Target.  It is the kind that has the boxes adn you can buy material boxes to go into each square (which we do not use since it is all books).  It is 6 boxes and we have it laying down the long way.  In my younger DD's room we have the simlair shelf thing that is smaller and has separate little bins in different sizes - not the best thing for books but it does work at least right now.  We had bought it to store all the small baby toys but we outgrew that use.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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