HI! I have a tornado who is turning 3 in August. Pre-Schools here start @ three but we have decided to Homeschool for Pre-school and MAYBE up to 4th grade. (just how our schools are set up here it makes sense for that to be our cut off) Are there any Moms Homeschooling their pre-schoolers?
Re: *pokes head in* Hi!
I'm considering homeschool from now untilr 1st grade (maybe further, not sure). I'm just starting to research, so I can't help you much.
Welcome though.
Bridesrighthand I have some sites that I have bookmarked. I wish I could just copy and paste my whole Homeschooling file for you to check out. I got these sites by another mom who is homeschooling her LOs. Here are a few I like and have started using
I look forward to getting to know you ladies.
I was thinking about homeschooling for preschool as well. DD will be 3 in September.
I found so many Disney Learning books at the dollar store, actually! Colors, numbers, shapes, and letters.
I was really considering homeschooling til 1st grade, but I really don't want her to miss out on the fun of going to school.