
NPR: Mirena

What was your experience with it?

Re: NPR: Mirena

  • not good.  i tried unsuccesfully to get one put in after my son.  It was very painful because I had never dialated and my cervix had no give.  I'd rather go through c-section recovery again.  I opted out when they couldnt get it in and kept telling be to relax while my hands were fisted nails digging in my palms and tears streaming from my eyes.  But thats just me.

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  • I have had mine since Oct.I also had a c-section and it was pretty painful to have it put in but not horrible. I had some cramping (more painful than my typical cramps) for a few days after that and some spotting for probably 1-2 months after that, but it was pretty random. I always had to wear a liner or something because it was so random and ranged from mild to medium but not ever heavy. Since then its all good, I no longer have periods but might have really light spotting. My insurance didnt cover it so it was out of my pocket but I am not good with the pill and not sure if we will be having any more kids :(  so I figured it was worth it. I am pleased with it so far. If you have any specific questions let me know.
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  • I also had a c-section and having Mirena put in was more painful that I anticipated and I had moderate cramping afterwards for a day.  That said, it wasn't so bad that I regret doing it.  I also had spotting for a little while, then no period since (got it in Jan). 

    I had heard bad things about Mirena and milk supply, but it didn't hurt mine.  From what I've read online, if your supply is well established, it has less of an impact.  Because I was almost 5 months post partum when I got it, my supply was well established already. 

     Happy to answer any other questions if you have any.

  • Thanks, ladies! I kinda got myself freaked out reading horror stories about it online after I had it put in this morning.
    Thanks, ladies! I kinda got myself freaked out reading horror stories about it online after I had it put in this morning.

     I wouldn't call my story a horror story, but I am not happy with it and am having it out.  DH had a vasectomy because he didn't want me to go through what I have been through on Mirena anymore and the pill didn't seem like the best long term solution, etc.

    I don't have a lot of time now, but will happily answer any questions about my experience.  t k i m i t @ opposite of

    In short:  my advice ... since you already have it in ... would be to pay attention to changes in your body/personality/mental health.  And don't completely chalk them up to being a new mom.  If you can tell that you aren't the same as you used to be, and especialy if others around you notice the difference as well, then consider that the changes could be from Mirena.  I have had depression, anxiety, anger, mood swings, shortness of temper, overreaction to minor things, completely irregular bleeding (for 2.5 years now), weight gain, my supply was affected, pain in my hips, cramping, etc.

    I hope that you are one of the majority out there that do not have any problems!  I honestly do. 

  • I think I read the same horror stories that you did so I opted to not get it and just do the mini-pill for now.  I will be interested to hear how it goes for you.  I hope that you end up liking it!
  • EVIL!!! 

    i've got a couple of posts under "new to the nicu" link below...they outline my *whole* experience... but it was terrible to put in.. terrible bleeding and cramping for several days.... and within 2 days my supply went from 250ml+ per breast to about 30ml per breast. the ob said it had "nothing to do with the mirena"... the lc and the neo disagreed and i had it removed that same day... within about 12 hours my supply was back up. (i also took reglan that week to boost it because i was freaking out- but i wouldn't have needed it.)

    also, since i had a vertical incision on my uterus they told me i was at extra risk for it migrating out of my uterus. (which is a little freaky) since the incision was still newish and that part of the uterus is always going to be a weak spot. the regular OB wouldn't put it in.. they had to call in the mfm to do it. they talked to me in depth about what to watch out for and told me to come  in immediately with any of the symptoms. 

    i have a clotting disorder so i can't take the pill.. we're on barrier method now... my ob, mfm, the lc, and the neos all told me the mini pill was about as good as taking m&ms daily. :/ so we opted not to do that. we're on the barrier method now- not sure what we'll decide to do. 

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