
Milk with little fat

I don't pump very often, but when I do, it seems as though there is very little fat that collects on the top. The other day I had 5.5 oz with the smallest amount of fat. It used to have more. Can my diet affect this?

When I pump, I usually get 2.5 oz from each side. 4 month old DS usually only eats from one side and is content. I offer the other side but he won't take it.  He is in the 20% for weight, 75% for height. Pedi didn't seem concerned, but I'm worried he's not getting enough. Could the lower fat content make him not want as much?

Sorry for the rambling. I hope I'm making sense. 

Re: Milk with little fat

  • if LO is growing and pedi isnt concerned there isnt a problem. eatign from one side is normal and BF babies often take as little as 2-3 ounces per feeding.  My LO does exactly the same. Remember that when you pump that you get less milk and less of the fatty hindmilk than your LO does when sucking so it isnt really a representation of what LO gets. I dont have a lot of fat collect at the top of mine either. I really wouldnt worry or try to overanalyze- LO is growing= enough milk that is perfect for him.
  • My daughter drank a lot of expressed milk b/c she was in daycare, so I worried about the fat content.  I would always squeeze and press my breast during pumping.  Her daycare providers said that I had the richest bm they had ever seen.  :-)
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