Two Under 2

rp: Im scared.

I have about 2 1/2 more months till DS#2 comes. I have a scheduled c/s on August 18th. I am dreading the day and that makes me feel so horrible. Who dreads meeting their child? DS#1 has just been so bad (lack of a better word) lately. Hitting, throwing things, temper tantrums ALL day long I have no idea what to do to correct him except saying "we dont hit, be nice" ... I just feel so over whelmed with him now.. I cant even begin to imagin what its going to be like when DS#2 comes. As much as I miss DS#1 being a baby.... I do not really want to go through the baby stage again so soon. The sleepless nights, the endless bottles.. etc. At least I was able to take a nap when he slept during the day.. Now, theres going to be no way. Just thinking about it makes me feel like Im running on empty. I just needed to actually come out and say it.. I feel like Im in denial because really only DH knows how I feel. My mom lives a few hours away.. I really dont want to tell her how I really feel and then worry her.. and If I say anything to MIL it will be an "I told you so" type of thing.. and I just dont want to hear it. I figured you ladies would be supportive and maybe have felt the same way I am right now. Thanks for listening

Re: rp: Im scared.

  • betsnupbetsnup member

    Aw, the overwhelming feeling you are going through is so common.  Once your new baby is here, though, it will all fall into place.  It will be hard, but you'll get it.  My oldest goes from being a complete terror to the sweetest angel in 2.2 seconds, and it makes everything worth it.  And there will be times when both of your boys will be sleeping, so you'll be able to get some catnaps in.  Even 10 minutes will make you feels WORLDS better.

    You'll be fine.  You'll have good days, and yes, bad days, but once your DS2 is here, you won't be able to manage life without him!  Good luck, and keep your head up!

  • No advice for you yet but just wanted to say that I totally understand how you feel. I just don't know how I'm going to handle two. And like you I don't feel prepared for no sleep and midnight feedings, etc. It makes me feel guilty that I am not as excited this time as I was with my first. Do you have any close friends you could talk with? That has helped me. Hang in there!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers BabyFetus Ticker m/c at 8weeks 2007 DD born 2009 m/c at 15weeks 2010 m/c at 6weeks 2011
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