I have been putting myself under so much stress trying to make myself tandem feed the twins. I know they are only a week and a half old, but i felt like if i didn't breastfeed solely that somehow i wasn't a good Mom or something. I really don't like to tandem feed. Not sure if it is because they are so little, but it is hard to get them on, get them positioned, try to get them off, burped, etc. all while trying to take care of two older toddlers. Anyway, i have been pumping and giving bottles and nursing them individually when i can. It is working for me. I cannot feel guilty about that. All in all, to me.. all that matters is they are getting breastmilk. The only issue i am having is i was totally engorged a few days ago, and now.. completely soft all the time. It is so weird. Anyway, just wanted to share.
Re: I decided to do what is best for us.. (bottle/breastfeeding related)
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
Don't be hard on yourself. My babies have been getting 99% breastmilk since birth, but they only started being able to nurse around their due date, and just this week started getting better at tandem nursing. They were mostly ok at alternating between breast and bottle, although sometimes they prefer the bottle b/c it's easier. Give it time, and in the meantime, just keep giving them breastmilk however you can get it into them.
I just did a blog post on the topic of tandem feeding...
i tried nursing while in the hospital with both my singleton and my twins - and it was going OK but then little things started to go wrong and I decided that I was going to EP.
I EP'd for Griffin for a little over 2 mos and only 4w for the twins b/c i simply didn't have enough time with 2 infants + toddler... but they got a month of my breast milk and that's what matters - even if they got none- as long as they were fed and happy that is the important thing!
I think the media (and some women on message boards!) try to make others think they are bad moms if they don't nurse- for whatever reasons. I never felt bad or guilt - I knew I was doing what was best for my boys by doing what was best for me and our situation.
all 3 of my boys are happy healthy kids- that's all that matters!
kellymom.com has info on EP'ing that is good - if you do decide to keep it up. Make sure to pump enough - i didn't with the twins and got mastitis - and that SUCKS. good luck!
True that tandem feeding is much less time consuming! But, with the older kids involved it's a toss up between which is harder (I do both). Even though pumping takes more time start to finish (although the girls do eat bottles faster than they BF), tandem bf'ing with the older ones in the same room is hard because my younger son wants to be sitting with me (like, on top of the pillow!) and getting my attention at the same time. And if I try to sit in the adjacent room I can't help diffuse fights or hug them if they get hurt. I actually can do some things while I pump (check e-mail or this board, have a hand free for whatever the boys need), and I can also prop the girls' bottles if one of the boys needs something.
Anyway, having the older kids definitely changes what I would want (or be able) to do if I just had the twins. No matter what I do, I'm stretched too thin ; )