Single Parents

Pumpkin's dance recital

Pumpkin had two dance recitals yesterday.  She is in ballet and jazz.  Her father had two different chances to show up and he didn't.  She was very hurt.  I have half a mind to send him an email and let him  know how much he hurt his daughter, and the other half says let it go, it's a dead horse.  Honestly, even I expected him to show up.  He has sunk to a new low.

On a side note, Pumpkin did get to see her cousin, aunt and grandmother on her dad's side.  Her cousin was in the same recital, and they were there to support her.  Her aunt saw the baby and commented about him, and the cousin came right up to me and told me that she missed me (I love that girl).  DB's mom wouldn't even look at Jack as she stood maybe 5 feet away us.  I couldn't even look his mother's way, bc I am not sure I could control myself.  I certainly didn't want to cause a scene.  Poor Pumpkin, she was so happy to see them, she has talked about for about 6 weeks, and even that was a letdown for her. 

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Re: Pumpkin's dance recital

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    Poor baby..I am so so sorry..It's just awful isn't hurts the little ones so terribly..I am sure you baby girl was tell her I said that!
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    Poor Pumpkin! That makes me so mad! I just want to kill him for you. His mom sounds like my XMIL-a real piece of work! I am sure she did great!
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