
iron supplement- gas issues

 Hi Girls-

   Since my LO has been discharged from the NICU 2 months ago he has been on poyvisol and an iron supplement (separate).  Last Tuesday my pediatrician has increased his iron supplement from .3 to 1ml, (more than tripled) because he is still quite anemic.  With the increase, he has become quite a different baby....used to barely every cry, now he spends half of his awake time pushing out painful gas and crying.  It is interfering with his feedings too, which he normally gulps down (I pump bm).  I've tried Mylicon and Little Tummies drops, which don't seem to do much.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I want my happy, hungry, baby back:(  Thanks!


Re: iron supplement- gas issues

  • Poor kid! When I was on hospital bedrest, I was severely anemic and was on tons of iron supplements as well as IV iron infusions and they worried about me being constipated (which lots of iron can do) but I never was.

    Is your LO constipated, too, or just gassy?

    Do you give the dose all at once or spread out throughout the day? I would give several small doses if you don't already.

    Lastly, how anemic is he? Is this an ongoing problem that will reoccur even if his iron levels increase? Or once his iron level is good, he will stay good? The reason I ask is because I was wondering if you have considered a blood transfusion? I had 4 of them in the hospital and it was the only thing that really helped and that made me feel better.

    Anyway, I hope he is better soon!

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • That is a good question.  Lily was never gassy in the NICU but she was discharged on poly vi sol with iron and has been very gassy ever since and only poops like once a week.  I never made the connection to the vitamins.  I am curious to see if anyone else has noticed this.
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  • imageNikki1007:
    That is a good question.  Lily was never gassy in the NICU but she was discharged on poly vi sol with iron and has been very gassy ever since and only poops like once a week.  I never made the connection to the vitamins.  I am curious to see if anyone else has noticed this.

    Also wondering if you give the supplement all at once?

    One thing I am curious about is the OB always told me to take stool softeners with the iron when I was on it but you can't give that to a baby, so what can you give?

    Are both of your LOs on formula or BM? If it is formula, I would consider switching to a lactose free kind like Nutramagin since it will help them poop more frequently and could help with the gas. Just a thought, tho. We recently tried to add in some regular Similac in with the Nutramagin and it was a major fail, poor DD was SO constipated and in SO much pain!! :(

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • Have you tried Ovol drops?  Those seemed to work pretty well with both of my kids.
  • My LO is on Poly-vi-Sol and Iron as well. He has some tummy issues anyways, but with the vitamins and iron he is just a mess. He only poops when we give him juice, he is gasy an all around irritable. I find that if I divide the suppliments into 3-4 feedings he does better. I take the full doses, mix with 15 cc's of milk, then divide into 3's and mix again with another 5 cc's. Then feed those around 8 hours apart. He seems to do better that way. I also give him Gripe Water and that helps a ton!  We are waiting on lab results now to try to get off the extra iron. I'm hoping that will help him feel better.

  • Thanks so much for the suggestions girls!   I definitely am going to try breaking up the dosage during the day and the gripe water.  I don't think I can call it constipation because he is still going 8 times a day (pumped breast milk)...but it just seems harder for him to go!
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