I really want to transition to BFing. I can get her to latch on fine but after a few minutes she loses interest and screams for a bottle. I have tried supplementing before with a bottle of BM I have tried supplementing after with a bottle of BM. I jst don't know what to do to get her to take her entire feed at the breast. Any suggestions?
Also should I continue to pump after she eats in order to keep up my supply? I usually pump 7-8 ozs and she is only taking 3.5 in her bottle and sometimes does not finish that.
Re: Transitioning from EPing to BFing
Right around his due date DS started to get BFing more. Our pedi said he was big enough (9lbs, 14.5oz) that he could be "pushed" a little so for one feeding a day I just switched him from breast to breast to breast until he was done. If he wanted to eat again within an hour or so, I would offer the breast again. If she's really angry, maybe offer an ounce by bottle and then try back at the breast. I only did this once a day at first and then increased by one feed every 3 or so days so that he had time to adjust and I was sure he was really able to take a full feed breastfeeding.
It also sounds like your supply is quite high. I wonder if might be sort of flooding her which makes her scream? You might want to read the links on kellymom about oversupply/overactive letdown. In terms of pumping after feeding, I would for now until you are closer to fully BFing directly. That way you make sure you are keeping your supply up (and the freezer stash is nice later)...at least every other feeding. (Though again, I'd read kellymom to check with the oversupply).
Good luck - your daughter is adorable!
My LC told me I had a good flow (meaning fast and plentiful) and that I was actually overproducing (making enough for twins). She had me use a nipple shield to help control the flow and because the shield was closer to the feeling of a bottle's nipple, the baby would be more likely to latch and stick with it. She also advised to pump some of the foremilk before I BF so the flow wouldn't be as fast and she wouldn't fill up as much.
When we got home, I kept putting her to the breast to get her comfortable and use to the idea. For a while I would BF, top off with a bottle and then pump. It was a lot of work but eventually around 3 months actual age, (1 month adjusted) she began to latch on w/o the shield and my milk became more regulated. It all sort of just came together. I tapered off some of the pumping so that now I only pump once a day. It was quite stressful for a while but I'm glad I stuck with it. DD breastfeeds like a champ now and I really enjoy it.
Eating every hour is TOTALLY NORMAL for his age. DS ate every hour to 1.5 for a long while before going to every 2 hrs and he ate every 2 until he was 6 mo. old. Sounds like you're doing fine at the breast. Stop supplementing and let him just keep bfing and he'll gain more stamina with age! good job!