Parenting after a Loss

Tan spit up?!

So Cole is a puker - and we live with it - no biggie - BUT today his spit up has been tanish brown in color - its usually white!

Anybody have any experience with this? Is it maybe cause he still has a cough/cold from the croup incident and it is causing a change in color?


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Re: Tan spit up?!

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    I don't have any advice to offer but I wanted to say that I hope he's feeling better! I can't imagine LO having croup, I just feel so sorry for them when they cough/bark like a seal! Healing vibes to little Cole!

    Much Love~ 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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    i dunno...  but as long as it is not green or bloody it doesn't bother me :)
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    Aww poor Cole :-( You and mommy need to feel better so we can go for a walk soon. Maybe get some ice cream, too ;-)
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    Thanks ladies! Colleen YES we need ice cream STAT!!!
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