Emery is my maiden name but honestly I think of a boy when I hear it being used as a first name. I may be wrong and girls are using it now, I'm not sure!
I automatically think of the university in Atlanta - Emory. Even so, I actually like it! I also like Emory better than Emery, due to the emery board.
Thats what I think of too, and since my brother went there...it would be weird for me to use, but I actually think it is kind of cute. I would go with Emory probably....but then that is how the university spells it
It must be where I live, which is one of the most populated areas in the country, but we never refer to "nail files" as emery boards... sounds so old fashioned to me
Re: girl name
i dont love emerson..but i like it better than emery
It must be where I live, which is one of the most populated areas in the country, but we never refer to "nail files" as emery boards... sounds so old fashioned to me