hmmm...never really gave the term "drainage" a thought. I am thinking its a context thing. Drainage in terms of my childs nose while talking to a doc "the drainage is yellowish green" is ok. But don't really see any other way drainage could be discussed without being gross.....
Nope, I take that back, even while talking to a doc, I believe I would say "the snot is yellow". "he has green boogers" But if the doc came back and asked something about drainage, I probably would let it pass.
Well, post nasal drip and a runny nose are actually 2 different things. I get post nasal drip ALL the time and basically it's mucus from your nose but instead of coming OUT it goes down your throat. And it is totally gross so I agree with you in hating that term b/c I hate the condition. But I'd take a runny nose anyday over PND! lol
Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
Well, post nasal drip and a runny nose are actually 2 different things.
Exactly. Post = after. It's mucus dripping down in the system past your nasal cavity,either between your nasal cavity and throat, or down your throat. It's a term used to explain why you are emitting mucus but don't have a runny nose.
Re: something you should know about me.
hmmm...never really gave the term "drainage" a thought. I am thinking its a context thing. Drainage in terms of my childs nose while talking to a doc "the drainage is yellowish green" is ok. But don't really see any other way drainage could be discussed without being gross.....
Nope, I take that back, even while talking to a doc, I believe I would say "the snot is yellow". "he has green boogers" But if the doc came back and asked something about drainage, I probably would let it pass.
Sooo, only docs are allowed to say it.
It reminds me of Adelaide's Lament from Guys and Dolls.
Did I just out myself as a theatre nerd?
" a person, can develop the grippe, the grippe, the post-nasal-drip..."
I was in pit orchestra for that damned musical LOL
D&R - you're weird. ?*smooch*
never saw guys and dolls.
and I like a musical.
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
Exactly. Post = after. It's mucus dripping down in the system past your nasal cavity,either between your nasal cavity and throat, or down your throat. It's a term used to explain why you are emitting mucus but don't have a runny nose.