Sure I have my moments where I think what have I done, but overall I am really not stressed about 2u2. I see all these posts with concerns about logistics of juggling two babies, and how will I care for #1 after a c-section, etc., and almost feel like I'm a bad mom cuz I'm not really worried about these things. I worry from time to time, but I figure I'll do what I gotta do.
My mom had 3u3 when raising me and she handled it well and I love the closeness to my sisters so I guess this just seems normal to me. I'm having a repeat c/s but we are lucky that our family will help out when they can and DH will take the first week off when I come home from the hospital. The other stuff, the putting two kids to bed and putting two kids in the car stuff, I just figure I will figure out a system that works for me.
I know I'm lucky to have supportive family and helpful DH, which makes a huge difference. I know I will have frustrating or sad moments but am hopeful they will be more than balanced by happy moments. Maybe I don't worry enough though and I'm really in over my head and just don't know it?
Re: am I weird for not really worrying
nah, why worry when you don't even know what it's going to be like?! I know a lot of people say 2u2 is sooooooo hard. But I've also heard a lot of people say it's not a big deal.
I guess I was lucky that my mom had 2u2 two times and she's always told me it was great. Then 2 of my close playgroup friends had 2u2 a few months before me. One of them kept telling me 2 was easier then 1! I wouldn't go so far in saying that, but it's been pretty overall easy for me. Sure some things are tough, but it's emotionally easier for me now then the NB stage w/ just DD1..
I think it definitely depends on the type of NB you have though.. and whether or not they're a good sleeper! But why stress? Enjoy being PG and being a mom to your LO1
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
My Pregnancy(ies) Blog
I don't think it's weird at all. Some people just feel more prepared about it. For us, our daughter was just that good as a newborn, and even now - so the thought of adding another one to the mix is more exciting than frightening.
We're also cloth diapering, so the one thing I do know is that I'll be washing diapers till kingdom come (haha!). That's the only thing I ever really worry about: How many diapers I'll be washing.
I also had a great c-section recovery and was back to normal in a few days, which might be another reason I don't worry. My friends and family are really supportive, and hope that our two babies will be good friends at 13/14 months apart.
I have hope that it will not be a disaster. I'm confident enough in my parenting abilities to trust that it will be alright. You should do the same
I worried in the beginning a little, and then it died down. Now that I am 36 wks monday, I am starting to worry more. Mainly about how DS will handle everything.
I do worry about how I will take care of 2 kids alone while DH is gone on the rig....but I know I can do it.
If you're not worried, thats good.
I was the same way, I wasn't nervous at all. I am a pretty laid back Mom & have a go with the flow attitude, which I think helps when you have 2u2! Sure there are moments when I just want to scream, but overall it has been great. I think you have a great attitude about it, and you are right - you will figure out the logistics as you go.
I also agree with bim, that it depends on the type of newborn you have. I've been lucky to have 2 fairly easy newborns who were good sleepers.
I would worry more if my DH was gone for 3 weeks at a time too....but you will do great! I admire you greatly - I don't think I could keep it together the way you seem to.
thanks. I know I freaked out when DH left for the first time when DS was a nb, but I got through it and now its like second nature. I just hope this baby is pretty laid back so my life isnt too nuts!
I always say that if DH could get a job on shore right now and be home at night and on weekends, that I wouldnt worry a bit!!
If I were in your situation, I wouldn't have worried either. Unfortunately, I worried a lot because I had bad sleepers and no help around.
I don't think it's weird that you're not worried. Having a support system does make it sometimes "less" worrysome.