Two Under 2

am I weird for not really worrying

Sure I have my moments where I think what have I done, but overall I am really not stressed about 2u2. I see all these posts with concerns about logistics of juggling two babies, and how will I care for #1 after a c-section, etc., and almost feel like I'm a bad mom cuz I'm not really worried about these things. I worry from time to time, but I figure I'll do what I gotta do.

My mom had 3u3 when raising me and she handled it well and I love the closeness to my sisters so I guess this just seems normal to me. I'm having a repeat c/s but we are lucky that our family will help out when they can and DH will take the first week off when I come home from the hospital. The other stuff, the putting two kids to bed and putting two kids in the car stuff, I just figure I will figure out a system that works for me.

I know I'm lucky to have supportive family and helpful DH, which makes a huge difference. I know I will have frustrating or sad moments but am hopeful they will be more than balanced by happy moments. Maybe I don't worry enough though and I'm really in over my head and just don't know it?



Re: am I weird for not really worrying

  • nah, why worry when you don't even know what it's going to be like?! I know a lot of people say 2u2 is sooooooo hard. But I've also heard a lot of people say it's not a big deal.

    I guess I was lucky that my mom had 2u2 two times and she's always told me it was great. Then 2 of my close playgroup friends had 2u2 a few months before me. One of them kept telling me 2 was easier then 1! I wouldn't go so far in saying that, but it's been pretty overall easy for me. Sure some things are tough, but it's emotionally easier for me now then the NB stage w/ just DD1.. 

    I think it definitely depends on the type of NB you have though.. and whether or not they're a good sleeper! But why stress? Enjoy being PG and being a mom to your LO1 :) Congrats!

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • it's not easy, but you do what you gotta do, so why worry.  keep calm :-)
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  • I don't think it's weird at all. Some people just feel more prepared about it. For us, our daughter was just that good as a newborn, and even now - so the thought of adding another one to the mix is more exciting than frightening.

    We're also cloth diapering, so the one thing I do know is that I'll be washing diapers till kingdom come (haha!). That's the only thing I ever really worry about: How many diapers I'll be washing.

    I also had a great c-section recovery and was back to normal in a few days, which might be another reason I don't worry. My friends and family are really supportive, and hope that our two babies will be good friends at 13/14 months apart.

    I have hope that it will not be a disaster. I'm confident enough in my parenting abilities to trust that it will be alright. You should do the same :)

  • I worried in the beginning a little, and then it died down. Now that I am 36 wks monday, I am starting to worry more. Mainly about how DS will handle everything. 

    I do worry about how I will take care of 2 kids alone while DH is gone on the rig....but I know I can do it.

    If you're not worried, thats good.  

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  • I was the same way, I wasn't nervous at all. I am a pretty laid back Mom & have a go with the flow attitude, which I think helps when you have 2u2! Sure there are moments when I just want to scream, but overall it has been great. I think you have a great attitude about it, and you are right - you will figure out the logistics as you go.

    I also agree with bim, that it depends on the type of newborn you have. I've been lucky to have 2 fairly easy newborns who were good sleepers.


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I'm the same way -- I'm not THAT worried. My boys will be exactly 2 years apart (almost to the day) and I'm more sad about giving up my time with just DS # 1, and also the idea of starting over again now that DS is so independent and fun. But he was SUCH a good, easy newborn (literally slept 22-23 hours a day for the first 2-3 months) that I'm looking forward to the newborn thing again. Plus, my husband works nights, so he's around all day to help. I'm sure I'll have my moments, but for now, I'm not too worried.
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
  • The ease depends on what type of kids you have. If you have a newborn that is very needy, has colic and doesn't sleep...well, you wouldn't think it's that easy. I'm glad I had DD second...she was MUCH easier than DS!!!!!
  • I'm not really worried either. You're fine. :)
  • imageCaitlinJ22:

    I do worry about how I will take care of 2 kids alone while DH is gone on the rig....but I know I can do it.

    I would worry more if my DH was gone for 3 weeks at a time too....but you will do great! I admire you greatly - I don't think I could keep it together the way you seem to.



  • imagemoonfaerie:

    I do worry about how I will take care of 2 kids alone while DH is gone on the rig....but I know I can do it.

    I would worry more if my DH was gone for 3 weeks at a time too....but you will do great! I admire you greatly - I don't think I could keep it together the way you seem to.

    thanks. I know I freaked out when DH left for the first time when DS was a nb, but I got through it and now its like second nature. I just hope this baby is pretty laid back so my life isnt too nuts!

    I always say that if DH could get a job on shore right now and be home at night and on weekends, that I wouldnt worry a bit!! 

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  • If I were in your situation, I wouldn't have worried either. Unfortunately, I worried a lot because I had bad sleepers and no help around.

    I don't think it's weird that you're not worried. Having a support system does make it sometimes "less" worrysome.


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • Not weird at all! I didn't/don't worry. I just take things as they come. My biggest concern was feeling like a bad mom for turning DD#1's world upside down. I got over that when I realized what a wonderful gift I was giving her, though.
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