
XP: does it sound like my supply is tanking?

when i used to pump i would get 4-5 oz granted it would be 2 hours after feeding DS. however i am going over to friends tonight so i am pumping an hour after i nursed DS and i am not even at 2 oz right now. Is b/c i just feed him or is my supply hurting. ( i have been super stressed this week as DH has been out of town and i am wondering if that is causing it) thanks!

i should also add that DS has been nursing every 2-2.5 hours during the day and after nursing sucks on his hand. The longest he makes it at night is 3-4 hours. I am not sure if all of this seems normal but just thought i would add that.  

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Re: XP: does it sound like my supply is tanking?

  • shotzieshotzie member
    DD sucks on her hands all the time. It's one of the developmental stages. Pretty soon they'll be sticking everything in their mouth. I bet you're getting less b/c you're pumping closer to a feeding than you normally do. Also, our bodies generally make less milk later in the day. I have also noticed my supply seems lower if I haven't had enough water.
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  • I'd say it was cause you were pumping so close to feeding... I usually can feel another let down no sooner than 2 hrs before last feeding... if you're really worried about it, you could always try the fenugreek and/or blessed thistle... I used both with my DD but this time I seem to have more milk... but if you're usually getting 4-5 ounces 2 hrs after feeding, I'd say you're doing good... I think 24 oz / day is the average a LO needs.
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  • There's usually a little too much worry about supply on this board (IMO).  I think you're completely fine.  One pump where you get less than normal does not equal supply tanking.

    There are normal ebbs and flows in the amount of milk we make.  If you hadn't pumped tonight, you would've never noticed anything.  If the baby is happy, you're doing great!

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  • ibisibis member
    That all sounds normal, normal, normal. I think you'd doing fine. :)
  • It sounds normal. My pump output fluctuates... Don't worry! My DS also sucks on his hands's a baby thing. My LC said to not assume that that's a cue for hunger, so I never did and we're doing great.
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