Alright, I'm going to try and make this work, if there is a specific way I can keep adding to the list easily every day, let me know!
QOTD: What is the longest stretch thus far that you have gotten sleep?
Feel free to add updates, vents and words of encouragements! I know that many ladies would love to hear of tricks or tips that seemed to work for you!
Name 3 Month "Graduation"
Bybo June 12
Inle June 25
Ms.Priss June 28
robinsojk July 6
MrsErv412 July 14
efhoping2010 July 20
Re: 0-3 MoM Check-in!
QOTD: On Mother's Day, the girls gave me a gift and slept from 10:30-4:30am. You would not believe what 6 hours of sleep would do! I felt I was ready for a marathon!
My tip I give today is that I LOVE LOVE LOVE my sound machine! We have it on rain and the girls do so well with it at night!
Your girls are absolutely adorable! Are you in the SW suburbs of Chicago or SW IL? I'm in the south suburbs.
QOTD: The longest stretch I've gotten with my boys is 5 hours. I have had 2 days of it. Usually it's 4 hours. Last night it was only 3
DS2 is a swaddle king. I can usually get him to fall asleep pretty quickly for naps once he is swaddled, has his gumdrop pacifier and seahorse playing. Unfortunately, DS1 has colic, so not much works for him. Usually getting out his gas makes him feel better and then he'll fall asleep. Or, he tires himself out from crying. Anyone else suffering from colic?
our 3 month "graduation" is June 28th
Longest stretch of sleep was 4 1/2 hours but that only happend once! Usually we get one four hour stretch and a 3 hour stretch each night...hoping for longer soon!
My babies will be 3-months-old on July 14.
The longest they've slept is 4 hours. I EBF and we just recently moved from eating every two hours to every three (sometimes four during the day). For the most part they're not waking up between feedings which has helped a lot!
Swaddling (and the whole Happiest Baby thing) worked well for the first few weeks, but both babies started fighting to get out so much that we now only swaddle from the chest down. They actually sleep really well with their hands above they're heads, so much so that if they're fussy I'll gently try to put their arms like that and they often relax and doze off! We also use a sound machine.
I don't think we're dealing with colic, but my little boy does have bad gas that keeps him awake sometimes. Mylicon drops work pretty well (once before the first feeding of the day and once before bed is what the ped. recommended), but resting him upright on my tummy and patting his back until he's asleep works most of the time too.
Add me to the list!! My girls have been sleeping from 7:30-2:30 for several nights in a row. I don't really get more sleep though because I don't go to bed until around 11. Once they're able to drop that 2:30 feeding life will be good!!
My only tip is continue to girls realize when I do it "Okay, time to go to sleep!"
Bybo...what suburb are you in? I live in Plainfield.
Can you add me to the list as well? Our 3 month graduation date is June 16. For the past two weeks or so, our two have been going down around 8 and sleeping until 2ish - it's been great. DH takes that feeding and then they either get up or I wake them up around 6 to get them ready to go to daycare. We swaddle both of them at night and that really seems to have made a difference in their sleep - before they were swaddled, they were up every 3 hours or so.
May I be added? My 3 month graduation is 7/13.
Last night we had a 4 1/2 hr stretch, but it's mostly every 3 hrs. I can not wait for a bit more of a stretch.
For us swaddeling work best to get them to sleep. The Boppy's are the only thing that they sleep on during the day. It's their fav. thing for tummy time.
graduation date: June 9th
Longest stretch the boys went for was 6hrs which was last night but of course it was after the 8pm feeding - I'm going to dream feed at 11 if they don't wake up and see if they can skip the 2am instead :-)
I second the sound machine - well, we just downloaded white noise tracks from iTunes and I burned it on a CD.