I don't post on here too much, but wanted to share my birth story of my girls since it was always nice to read about others.
I was at my regular MFM appointment and was getting an ultrasound when I kept having pains from the ultrasound wand pressing on me. The perinatologist came in, and said I was having contractions (3 within 10 minutes at that point) and that my cervix had gone down to 0.8. I had no clue I was even contracting!! They told me to go straight to the hospital. Five minutes later, I was checking in at Antepartum and was having contractions every 3-5 minutes. I was on hospital bedrest for PTL and short cervix since 22wks5days. I managed to keep them inside while on Magnesium Sulfate for 10 weeks until my body finally gave up. They were born at 32wks1day on April 15 via C-section since they were both transverse (sideways) and Kaylee had a marginal cord insertion. Kaylee Reese was 4lbs4oz and 18 inches and Kiley Morgan was 4lbs1oz and 18 inches. Both had to be on CPAP for a few days and Kiley had to be intubated (thankfully, it was less than 24 hours). They came home from the NICU at their 1 month birthday.
They are doing great at home now. They sleep a lot and I am actually having to wake them up to eat. If not, they would sleep right through their feedings! They have been pretty mellow, but I think once their due date (June 9) comes around, they will be stronger and more vocal. They went to their first pedi appointment on Monday, and Kaylee is now 6lbs5oz and Kiley is 5lbs10oz! Just have to fatten them up more!
Re: Had my girls at 32 weeks!
Congrats! Hopefully they keep growing strong.
Congratuations! And thank you for sharing your story with us.
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks