What did you do? Donate? Sell on CL in lots? Sell some on Ebay? Consignment? I'm swamped....and I need to get all the 0-9 month stuff out of here....and some of the bigger stuff as well so G & E do actually get some new stuff.
Oh, and if you donate (or have an opinion) - we'd be donating to our church's clothing drive - do you know what the donated values are? Its a small church, so we do a letter and our trustees would sign off on the donation/amount for tax purposes.
Re: Getting rid of baby clothes....
I garage sale the really used/stained clothes for cheap
I ebay my gymboree
I am also part of a huge resale that a local church does (they have about 250 seller's) and they have a spring and fall sale every year. All my other stuff gets sold there.
If you give it to your church I would google or stop by a local goodwill. Mine has a printed out list of value to claim on each item for tax purposes.
I just went through 3 bins of DD's baby clothes. Two went to a friend of my sisters that just had a baby, and 1 bin is going to DH's niece.
If I didn't know people, I'd have donated them to our church's outreach and some to Goodwill. Nothing she had was of particular value, i.e. Carters, Target, Gymboree, etc. Nothing that was worth my time to list.
edit: A huge reason we gave away all of her clothes is because we were given a lot of clothes when she was born, and a ton when we had DS since he was a boy, everyone thought we needed boy clothes. : ) AND I had two friends give me boxes of hand me down boy clothes for DS. Between hand me downs and new, DS is totally outfitted 0-9 months. He has 3 draws of clothes! I'm a big believer in pay it forward since we were so generously given new and gently used clothes. And, quite frankly, I'm way too lazy for CL or eBay.
Christmas 2011