Baby Names

Names I came across while subbing



Mattelin (I bet you can guess her dad's name!)


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Re: Names I came across while subbing

  • jckh912jckh912 member
    Ick! totally NMS!
  • imageLVila:



    Mattelin (I bet you can guess her dad's name!)


    I know a little girl with this exact name, and her dad's name is Matt.

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  • eewww....all of them are nms!  
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  • The sound like cars or antibiotics.

    I used to work and a youth center, and the best names I came across were brothers names Orangejello (o-RAN-gillo) and Lemonjello (le-MAN-gillo).  Yikes!

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  • lol can I add one more that makes me shake my head?

    Quidge-Bo.   For a girl. No joke.  WTF?

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  • What the heck!

    Kate + Pete = Keet?

    Chevelle - like the horse?

    Mattelin - creative, but not in a good way

    Mancin - oh, I see...spelling it that way make me NOT think of Marilyn Manson.


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  • Keet is disturbing. It sounds like a sound a bird makes.

    I actually know an adult (she's in her mid-20s) named Chevelle, after the car, so that doesn't seem that odd to me. What seemed really odd to me was that her sister was named Mercedes, which, independently is a fine name, together with Chevelle--eww.

  • LVilaLVila member

    Mancin - oh, I see...spelling it that way make me NOT think of Marilyn Manson.


    I KNOW! That's exactly what I thought, too.  

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  • mancin? thats another level of awful.
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