If you have one, what are the goods, bads and uglies about it? We tried it out at babies r us today. Husband was weary of the flimsy, wobbly feel at such a high price of $229. But I like the fact that it's more lightweight than my graco quatro, the seats are bigger and can still recline, and it will fit better in our HOPEFULLY new traverse. I know a lot of people have the valco's but those are out of our price range. We also thought about getting 2 singles and hooking them together. What are your thoughts? Our babies are nearly 8 mos and starting to sit up (preemies so they are a little behind!).
Re: Combi Twin Sport?
i had one, and only got rid of it about a month ago (we don't really use strollers anymore.) LOVED it. easy to fold, easy to steer with one hand, lightweight, big canopies, etc.
cons were small baskets, but i got over that. :P
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We like our Combi Twin Sport (EX). It's very easy to use, and like you said, it is lightweight and comfortable. I think you'll see in many reviews that the canopies aren't very long and the storage underneath isn't a very big area, but that this is common for this type of stroller. I also remember reading that the one "long" handle is preferred over the two curved ones of the chicco double stroller. I know people complained that there are no parent cupholders, but that hasn't been an issue to us, and you can always clip on attachments if you want.
We have the graco duoglider, which I think is very similar to the quattro. I haven't used it in a long time, since transferring the girls out of their infant seats to the stroller.
We also have two single cheap umbrella strollers with connectors. The connectors work ok, but we haven't really used the strollers together. We bought the singles for a vacation and had the clips for just in case there was a reason for needing to use them together. I don't think I'd go this route for an everyday side by side.
So anyhow, I recommend the Combi Twin Sport.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
love the fold-up and weight. don't like the sun protection that the canopy gives.
i don't know about singles, but this is a good quality double umbrella.