I'm so confused. We are definitely going to be pumping and storing milk. I would like to be able to pump right into whatever it is I'm storing in the freezer and then sometimes pump right into a bottle to be refrigerated. As of right now I'm registered for the drop-in bottles with the breast pump adapter and then lansinoh bags. I'm debating on switching to the Tommie Tippie bottles and the Medela pump and save bags. So I guess my question is.... Can you pump directly into the Tommie Tippie bottles? And can you pump directly into the lansinoh bags? Thanks for any advice!
Re: What bottles to use with Medela Pump
Like PP said you can not pump directly in to Tommee Tippee bottles due to the mouth being too big.
If you get an Avent adapter for the Medela (Target sells them, or you can order it online) and then pump into an Avent.
However, my understanding is that you don't want to freeze large amounts, it's hard to thaw, and you can end up wasting a lot. I got the Medela Breast Milk Freezing and Stoarge set. It has 12 2.7oz "bottles". They are easy to thaw (supposedly) and only 14.99.
I usually pump into Medela bottles and then pour it into other things, i.e. my BornFree bottles or Pump and Save bags. He doesn't drink out of the Medela bottles because the nipples collapse. I doubt you could pump into Tommie Tippie bottles. I've pumped into the bags directly too.