So you guy's probably don't remember but I have posted a few times about it. When DS#2 was born they circ'ed him when he was a day old. They apparently let a 1st year resident do it (I didn't know about it until weeks later when I got his medical records to see what happened exactly). He ended up with 12 stitches and was only 50% circumcised and had to have surgery at 6 months to fix it. Well I work for a family practice and all of the residents come through our office to do their Family Practice rotation. Well guess who start's his tomorrow.. all day every Friday for the next 2 months.
My whole office knows what happened - he knows I work there because when Dexter had to have surgery there was in the office then. He asked why my son was having surgery and I explained what happened and said "Oh, that was your son?". Yeah, that's him alright. He then said the guy was his roommate...
When it happened it was a HUGE deal in the hospital, everyone new about it. I had people telling my family this story for weeks after it happened of this baby and his circumcision - I had someone actually tell ME about it in one of my classes. I still just get so mad thinking about what this guy did to my baby. His surgery was a horrible experience to fix it. It took them an hour just to get the IV in his arm. His poor little arms after surgery were pitiful. They actually billed my insurance for penis plastic surgery.
So he will be in our office tomorrow. My boss just said "try to be on your best behavior". I don't really know how I will react when I see him. I know he didn't do it on purpose and it was an accident. But it was a HUGE accident to my 1 day old baby and I still get mad thinking about all the pain it's caused him that day and after his surgery. They are saying now that he my still need 1 more surgery...
My sister was laughing about it today and saying just think of how this guy feels. Knowing what he did to your baby (which I'm sure he feels horrible about!) and then knowing he has to come to your work tomorrow and face you.
Ugh, I thought about calling my boss and telling him I was working from home tomorrow..
Re: It's going to be an interesting day tomorrow..
I know it's really not his fault. I've read all his records (trying to figure out what happened). Apparently the original Dr. who looked at him and checked him off saying he could have the circ missed the fact that he had a penile torsion (his penis was twisted just a little). So when the resident went in to do the circ things were not really in the spot they were supposed to be - so that's how he got cut so badly. I know he didn't do it on purpose and it was a complete accident.
I know they have to learn at some point - but not on my child. I also learned that the doctor he was working under (the one who came in my room after it happened and told me that HE had "nicked" my child and "it's just a scratch and might just need 1 stitch" wasn't even in the room when it happened. He had a 2nd year in there teaching him how to do it. But it's still just the fact that the student is the one that did it. KWIM? I know it's not really his fault and he was just learning and didn't do it on purpose. But it's just the fact that HE was the one who physically did it and he never apologized to me, I never saw him and I would have never known he had done it if I didn't get Dexter's records - so I just don't like him for that reason.
I think I would feel completely different if he would of come in my room himself and had told me what happened and apologized.
he might have been advised NOT to come to you and apologize bc of a lawsuit. I'm not saying he should listen to such advice or I am not saying he got that advice -- but it's a possibility. again, sorry you have to face this -- it sucks!
I'm sure they told him not to come in - If I really think about it I really shouldn't be so mad at him. But it's just the fact that he's the one who actually did it and I've seen my little baby is SO much pain because of it - I just don't like him or the Dr. who was "teaching" him.
From what I've heard about this guy - he's a really nice guy. He was a nurse before he went to med school. I am going to try and talk to him tomorrow - I think I will be able to keep myself under control - but I do still get really upset when I think about what he's had to go through at such a young age.
I'm a pretty forgiving person so we will just see what happens tomorrow and if the guys a jacka$$ about it then I will probably be working from home on Friday's for the next two months.
Part of my wonders too if he still even remembers what he did, ya know? I think if I had done something like that to a 1 day old baby it would stay with me forever - you wouldn't forget it. But some people aren't like that - they will forget it and move on. I will say if he doesn't remember I will be pissed...
How did it go?
I have to say that I was so upset to read this post and to hear what your family has gone through...for your baby's pain and your mother's heart... Deep down I also felt a lot of sympathy for this young doctor. You said you wonder if he even thinks about it- I bet a day doesn't go by that he doesn't think about it. I feel so bad to think about how much work, time and money he threw toward his education and goal of becoming a Dr ... only to have something like this happen- he was set up- he never should have been put in that position- unsupported no less... and now it sounds like he'll never live it down. What a sad situation for him!! I hope that whatever happened at the office yesterday, that for both of you- there was some healing possible.