I'm about 98% sure we're one and done, but it's not necessarily because of Sarah's rough start. We'd really only planned to have one, DH is 38 and I'm almost 36, for financial reasons we'll be able to do more with/for only one, and honestly, our family feels complete the way it is.
We had discussed one and done prior to even getting pregnant with Bobby, but this sealed the deal! Once we get him home, we'll just count our blessings!
Done for sure - the doctors aren't sure why I didn't die (their best guess was my young age - 26). The chances, according to them, of me delivering earlier than 32 weeks and not surviving are just too high...not to mention that my son is now 4yrs old and I'm still on meds. My presentation of pre-e was atypical and came with multi-organ failure and I didn't get better once he was out - I couldn't imagine risking a second pregnancy. Thankfully we were leaning towards 1 child or maaaaybe 2 before even TTC so being done with one wasn't a huge mind shift for us.
Re: Poll: Done with One?
After 91 days in NICU, I didn't think I could do it again, knowing everything that could and did often go wrong.
I consider myself very lucky to have my daughter and she has been a joy since the day she was born. well, pain too but more joy ;0
She's now grown up and a mom herself. Two little boys, 20 months and two weeks. So I am blessed