My little girl is starting to resist the afternoon nap and I am just too sick of rocking an angry child to sleep while my little boy is laying in his crib and falling asleep on his own. So today I dropped them both in the cribs and I think my little boy is sleeping, while my little girl seems to just be playing and yelling. How does everyone put them down for naps? Do you do it together? Do they fall asleep? At night I just put them in their cribs after their bottle/Elmo time and they go to sleep after a little while.
Re: Naptime troubles
At 15 months, she may just be ready to go down to one nap. I know that one of mine was ready at 13 months. I basically forced both of them to go to one nap at that point to make it easier on me.
Although, if she's happy playing in her crib and not cranky for the rest of day, I might just leave her in there until your boy shows signs of readiness for one nap.
BTW, going down to one nap is awesome. The transition period can be a little rough. But once you get down to one nap, scheduling your day is so much easier and most kids end up napping longer.
Good luck!