
My sister is finally getting a divorce

Her husband left 4 years ago. He left her with a ton of debt and tax problems. She claimed she "couldn't afford" a divorce, but I think she thought they would get back together. His lawyer contacted her last week saying he wanted a divorce, and he wants it VERY quickly now. We think his girlfriend is pregnant.

My sister is a mess, but hopefully this will help her move on with her life.

Re: My sister is finally getting a divorce

  • I am glad she is moving on.  My friends husband left her 7 years ago and she just got divorced, and I think it was only because her DH was going to go bankrupt and she needed to protect the assets she had left.  It is very sad.  She is 65.  At least she will get the house, which is paid for.  She works full time at Kroger and has a side job taking care of an elderly relative.  7 years ago, they had over $500K in savings and she worked 3 days a week cleaning houses for fun money.
  • Your poor sister!  Hopefully this will be the clean break she needs. 
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  • I'm sorry but, it sounds like she will be so much better off.
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