Alabama Babies


What kind of shoes does/did your LO wear?  Aidan is starting to pull up on everything and really likes to walk holding our hands.  I think I need to get him some shoes but not sure what kind to get.

Re: shoes

  • MissLMSMissLMS member

    I posted this yesterday, but K mostly wears her Sun-San sandals a lot right now. Love them. When she's not wearing those, she's usually wearing her Keds.

    She also has a little pair of New Balance running shoes which are so cute.


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  • I didn't see that post.

    I asked Dr. P about it this morning and he said he really didn't need shoes until he started walking all the time.  He said I could put shoes on when we go outside or leave the house, just to get him used to them.

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  • I found the post, not sure how I missed it.
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