Baby Names

Keeping name a secret?

Is anyone else planning on keeping their name choice a secret until the birth? I really have no interested in suggestion/opinions from friends and family on this topic. Since I?ll be a new mom (w/ with twins) I find myself pretty open about discussions on all things baby, but for some reason this is the one thing I?d like to keep to just between DH & I.

I?ve already had a few comments from some folks about not naming our babies this or that cause ?that was an ex of theirs; or they were planning on using that name in the future? Really?!? I can?t use a name because its the same as a kid you dislike in the 5th grade. Or  if I did use a name you suggest I?m ?name stealing? ? that?s sillyness. My DH said he did not mine taken suggestion but I told him is slippery-slop and avoid the topic altogether.

Who?s with me?


Re: Keeping name a secret?

  • I'm not pregnant but I plan on keeping it a secret!  Just to avoid comments/opinions. 
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  • When I get pregnant...we plan on only telling a very small circle of family/friends to avoid the comments as well...although, I say that now and it could change -- ya know -- with the excitement of it all!   LOL!
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  • We've only told one set of friends, as they're expecting just before us and we didn't want to duplicate names.  Otherwise, I don't want unwarranted opinions.  My SILs think this is a form of torture!
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  • We kept it a secret with DS#1 and plan to with DS#2 as well...from "in real life" people at least...I'll solicit opinions here though.
  • brits4brits4 member
    With DS we told everyone what the name was going to be.  I got a lot of opinions on it and they were not all nice.  Next time around we are not sharing the name with anyone.
  • I hope we will. I have to talk to DH about this. I am going with the angle that I feel like something should be a surprise.
  • We are not telling anyone any of our ideas for names.  I don't want anyone's opinion.
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  • We have kept our girl's name a secret, because we really didn't want anyone's feedback (especially any negative comments).  Also, years ago, I saw my SIL go through getting almost entirely negative feedback on her girl name choice (Hannah), and I decided then that I would just not tell people our baby's name.   So now we're just about 2 weeks away from baby arriving & I can tell that our families are a little miffed at us for not saying, but they'll get over it soon.   

    Having said that, when we were debating between our top 3 names, we did run them by a couple of our close friends (who can keep secrets), so we haven't kept it 100% to ourselves.  Plus, I have a co-worker who's having his second daughter about a month after our girl arrives, and I found out that we're using the same name (!), so I told him, too.  

    Good luck! 

  • kvankokvanko member
    I'm with you 100%. I told my DH that we should keep it a secret, but when we first told our parents he slipped and told his dad we liked Payton ( were not even considering that name now) and his dad immediately shot back that the FB player Payton Manning sucks and how could u name your kid that. I was so upset and made him swear he wouldn't slip again.. PPL are rude and inconsiderate.
  • when me and DH finally get pregnant, we will be keeping it a secret. I don't want anyone's opinion on our choice. Most people that would say something already have a child and they have already named their children what they wanted to, and I had no say in their children's names so why should they have a say in mine?
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  • We are keeping it a secret. I think it makes for more of a fun surprise when she's born, especially since we shared the sex with everyone. My friends and family think it's a fun game to try to figure out what the name will be or to somehow get it out of me.
  • I don't keep it a secret, mostly because I don't care what other people think about it.

  • I plan on keeping it a secret, but that is only because I have quite a few friends who are due within weeks of me and I fear they will steal my names.  I have also had some negative comments on other names that I have liked because they are too different, so I have decided to keep it to myself.

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  • I told everyone the name. I didn't care if people liked it or not, (I was shocked that anyone DID like it). I can see why people keep names a secret but thats just not my style.
  • ckmommyckmommy member
    We didn't say anything about our little guy's name until we were for sure it was a boy and about 3 weeks after we were for sure. We didn't care what people thought. We knew what his mn would be, it was just hammering down the first name that we didn't want input on. I got a little flack from my sister for Carter's name but I didn't care. Next time we might just keep it a total surprise until we introduce the baby.
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  • skyejoskyejo member

    I haven't told anyone IRL--not even my mom and it's driving her crazy! I told her that if she guessed it I will tell her so she sends me daily texts with her name suggestions.

    It's Parker.  She will never guess it, lol!

  • I'm not really telling anyone.  I told my mom a few names we are thinking of but that's about it.  I don't mind posting my names here because nobody knows me but I don't need the opinions of everyone I know:)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We kept it a secret, 1) bc i didn't want to hear opinions, 2) bc i was afraid we'd change our minds adn 3) bc it was nice to have something just between dh and I
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  • I think we will plan to do this. Although I suck at keeping secrets :) People keep hounding me now, even when I say that we aren't really thinking names yet (although I am...) they will say later on "you REALLY aren't talking names yet?". Stop people!!!

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  • Don't tell ANYONE! People are MUCH more less likely to give their opinions and negative comments about it once the baby is here.
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  • We're keeping all of our names secret until the birth. We don't even know if this baby is a boy or girl! We're not even telling people our ideas, I don't need their opinions! It's hard enough to make a definite decision! GL! and Congrats!
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  • We're not 100% set on our names yet but have them narrowed down. We have casually mentioned it to a few friends but not family because our mothers are THAT type. My MIL would totally say "Oh, you can't use that name because X Y and Z". So we're not giving her the chance. :)

    We did the same with DS and I enjoyed being able to announce his name to everyone. Of course, we didn't name him until day 3, lol. 

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  • We didn't tell our family our name choices for our 3rd child.  Mainly because when I was pregnant with my daughter we had a few choices and we told and got way too many opinions, good and bad.  I didn't want that this time. 

    As it turns out, the name we ended up picking sounds horrible with a Boston accent.  My mother butchers our daughters name each time she says it. I correct her every.single.time. she says it and she still doesn't get it right. If I had known this was going to happen I may not have given her the name. It's brutal.  It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. 

  • yes!  i am going to do the same thing i did with my son...throw out a million names i like and tell people to keep their bad comments to themselves.  i was fine with hearing people's favorites.  Austin got his name after 3 days in the hospital when we finally narrowed down our top 6!  it was awesome to get to know him first. 
  • We haven't told anyone IRL, and don't intend to.  We did this with our first two sons as well.  I can't stand when people make nasty comments about the name and found that MOST will refrain from the nastiness after the baby is born (I say most because my evil mother had plenty to say about both my sons' names, grr).  



  • We kept the name of our daughter a secret until she was born. It was fun as everyone was just dying to know her name!!!  Our DR was the first one who heard it -- all of our family is out of state -- and got her name when my husband called!

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  • DH and I are totally keeping the name secret.  We are also not allowing any discussions of names around us, we don't want anyone giving us any names and then thinking they helped us name our son if that's what we end up naming him.
  • We did it with DD and will do it again this time around. It was fun! Especially when we got to call everyone and say, It's a girl! (we were team green) and her name is _______!



    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • imageMs Molly:
    I'm not pregnant but I plan on keeping it a secret!  Just to avoid comments/opinions. 



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  • we didn't keep it a secret from family. I sort of wish we had.

    They all love his name, however, I would rather not tell the whole world until he arrives.

    Wanted to keep it a secret until the announcements went out, but people are asking about what his name is so they can monogram things for our shower.

    If I don't tell them, they'll be miffed because I'm sure some family member will bring up his name during our shower whether we tell them to keep it a secret or not.

    So in the end, if you tell some people, in the end it just sort of leaks out.

    We haven't finalized a middle name, but we've heard plenty of opinions.

  • We are also keeping it a secret. People just can't seem to handle it. They think it is so stupid that we wouldn't want to tell people a head of time.

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  • I always said I would tell people the name, but nnow that I'm actually pregnant, I don't know if I'll tell.  I honestly don't care what other people think of the names we've picked, but I'm bitchy and hormonal and I just don't want to hear their opinions.

    I may still end up telling, but right now I'm leaning towards not telling.

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