
Craziest thing happened

I was sleeping when I heard my bedroom door open. I knew it was DD, but all of a sudden I heard a bang and then her screaming hysterically. She was laying on the floor screaming.

I picked her up and had to wait for her to calm down to tell me what happened. Apparently, she was still quite groggy and walked right up to my nightstand to get a drink of water. She walked right into the nightstand and then fell and hit the bottom (we have over-sized furniture).

I still cannot figure out how it really happened! She had to have been running the way she was positioned on the floor. I got some ice immediately, but she still has a big red bump under her eye. Later, I noticed a mark under her chin where she must have hit it on the bottom of the nightstand.

I told her she beat up the nightstand and she said she heard it say OW!

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