Hi Ladies!
DH and I are pretty much set on the name for our daughter due in two months- Lilly. We were reluctant because it's so popular now, but it's a family name on both sides, with 5 relatives (none in the last 3 generations though) named Lilly.
However, we can't agree on a middle name. Options we have come up with are:
Lilly Angela (After my Nana, and also his Mothers MN)
Lilly Pamela (After my cousin/best friend...and I love the name)
Which do you ladies prefer? Or do you have any other suggestions? I would love to hear!
Re: Middle Name With Lilly
I love the name Lilly! That is our first pick for a girl as well (spelled Lily), and I was also reluctant bc it's so popular. But it's popular for a reason, its a classic, feminine name that ages really well. Our middle name choices are Ann, Claire or Christine. Pamela and Angela are also great mn's but I think a one or two syllable mn works best with Lilly, IMHO.
Hope this helps a little!
I love the feedback ladies!
My maiden name isn't really middle name material, or I would go with that :-( I like the idea of a shorter middle name too though, I think it would sound nice. Any ideas?
Lilly Grace
Lilly Anne (or Ann)
Lilly Marie
Lilly Sue....I know it sounds a little 'country' but I ran out of mn options LOL!
You know, I was thinking.. if you did go with Ann(e), it could still be a homage to your Nana and his mom.
Some others:
Belle, Brooke, Kate, Kay, Mae, Harper,Charlotte, Beth, Jo, Celeste, Pearl, Reese, Quinn, Ruth, Skye, Helen
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Were set on the name Lily if its a girl. We like Lilian Grace...but I also kind of like Lilian Jo. Fiance really likes Lilian Grace though. That was our first pick so we will probably stick with that, but I like the way Lily Jo sounds put together. Its tough I know! Good luck!!!
If this little one inside of me is a girl, her name will be Lily Marie... so I really love your choice!!
Our last name is one syllable, so I felt that we needed a middle name with at least two. My BFF actually came up with the name - it was her choice for a girl, but she doesn't want kids and wants us to use it, and it is also her middle name. So far everyone just loves the name! I'm kinda hoping for a girl because I'm not as in love with our boy's names!